Look How Pretty! Ft. Our Blog Re-Design

You may have noticed things look a little bit different on the blog right now, and there’s an obvious explanation for that. We re-designed the blog! Back in January, Kat from Novels & Waffles and Tracy from Truffle’s Literary Wonders hosted a wonderful blogging event called Blogiful, where they talked about blog design and aesthetics and made many helpful posts and tutorials on how you could redesign your blog on your own. The two of us really enjoyed this event and decided to enter the giveaway for a blog re-design, since we had been discussing redoing our blog design for a while. Chana even mentioned the possibility in our 2020 goals post. And to our surprise and delight, in early February, Kat contacted us to let us know that we had won!

On our blog 🎉

To celebrate this change, we wanted to discuss the thought that went into creating what you now see, and the wonderful experience we had working with Kat.

To start with, we’re so excited that we got to work with Kat on this project. She is an incredible designer, and we had a great experience working with her. This design evolved quite a bit from when we first corresponded with Kat! It was a process figuring out exactly what we wanted from the design, which sometimes differed from what we originally thought we wanted. But Kat was so helpful and stuck with us until we were happy with each and every element, from the color palette to the post dividers, to our adorable icons in the sign-off. 

In case you’re wondering what the inspiration was for all the elements in our header, allow us to break it down for you! Our main goal with our header was for us to be able to showcase our personality through the design. We wanted it so that when people visit our blog, they’re able to see a personalized header that reflects us in a few different ways. The most obvious thing we highlighted is also featured in our blog name since we obviously wanted to represent the procrastinating aspect of our personalities. Because of that, we chose for our header to have a desk setting that touches upon our engineering majors. (Are our desks where we procrastinate the most? Maybe).

Live footage of us working for a few hours at our desks

On the desk, we made sure to include books that we like since this is a book blog after all! We selected Fangirl for Malka (obviously) and Steel Crow Saga for Chana. The calculator, the gummy bears, and the tissue box were also aspects that we chose to include since they are the tools we use on a day to day basis. How do these fit into our daily lives, you ask? Well, calculators make engineering a whole lot easier, gummy bears are great when you’re annoyed and feel the need to aggressively rip the head off something soft and chewy, and tissues are frequently used to wipe up our tears of despair. Aren’t you glad you asked?

The other aspect that we were most involved with were the icons. We wanted them to look like us, and when we saw these versions we squealed with how cute and accurate they were! We couldn’t be happier!

Of course, everything you see (and even the elements you haven’t seen yet!) was a collaboration between us and Kat, and had quite a bit of thought put into it, but we don’t want to bore you with the details. So hopefully you love the new design as much as we do, and enjoyed the glimpse into some of the details we included!

combined post signature

 What do you think of the new design? What detail do you think is cutest? Have you ever re-designed your blog?


48 thoughts on “Look How Pretty! Ft. Our Blog Re-Design

  1. Wow, the redesign is lovely and I really enjoyed reading the story behind some of your design choices. It’s amazing how small details like that could easily be missed at first glance but as you started talking about the ideas, like the procrastination element, and how you chose your desks, I went back to look closer. Those little details make all the difference.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much! 💕 We figured that we should explain some of the little details to everyone, because so much thought was put into everything, and we didn’t want it to all go unnoticed! I’m sure I’ve looked at plenty of headers and not realized the significance of each element! Those details were so much fun to include, and I’m so happy to hear that they’re appreciated!


  2. Ahh, I love this post so much!! 😍 Congrats on winning the giveaway—I can’t think of two people more deserving! And omg your new blog design is so cuteeee. I absolutely adore the idea behind your header! But gummy bears are my favorite candy ever, especially Haribo, so I may be biased 🥺 I also can’t get over how lovely the cartoon versions of you look! The drawings of Steel Crow Saga and Fangirl are such a nice touch ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much! 💕 It was surreal seeing the email that we had won a redesign after discussing doing one on our own for the past few months!

      Thank youuuuu! 💗 I’m so happy that you think it’s cute! The header was probably my favorite part to design because there were so many hidden elements I got to include! That’s why I wanted to write this post explaining all those details so badly! And yes! Chana introduced me to Haribo gummy bears a while ago, and I am forever changed!

      And when I saw the cartoon icons I literally SQUEALED because of how much I loved them! And I thought it was adorable when I noticed that we were holding our favorite books, since those are books that we hold dear in our hearts IRL.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Cutest new addition to the blog: the sign-off banner!! I’m in love. It’s so great how you guys worked with Kat to make every detail of this re-design personal to you. I got the equations on the computer part right away! (Not that I SOLVED the equation, just that I knew it related to your studies, haha.)

    Now since you’ve ASKED, I only re-design BPR three times a year. ONLY. Mandy just puts up with it. I think she opens the blog every day with a little bit of fear, like, What will it look like today?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If I’m going to be *completely* honest, that equation is from a maths course I took over a year ago and have not used since, so I’m not all that confident that I could solve it either 😅

      Omgg, three times a year?? I could never be so creative to come up with three different designs a year 😂 Every now and then I get the urge to switch something up, like the style of our headers, but then I attempt it and realize that it takes effort so I give up 🙈

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’ve solved it one time more than me, so you’re still winning. 😂

        I think you’re assuming each design was good haha. Usually I’m just switching up fonts or colours. It’s way better to be spending that time on creative blog posts anyway!! You’ve nailed that

        Liked by 1 person

  4. LOVE the redesign, and congrats on winning, that is awesome!! I love how much of both your personalities you were able to include, it is so perfect! I have been contemplating a redesign for YEARS but every time I think about it, I feel too daunted and give up hahah. One of these days. Maybe. Probably. Or not. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Shannon! 💕 We were so excited when we got notified that we won! And it was so much fun to spend the time figuring out exactly what we wanted in this design! It feels so nice to know that my input went into each and every detail that everyone now sees on the blog! I’m so happy that my personality is now on display!

      Honestly, if we hadn’t won this giveaway we would have taken at least another 6 months to 6 years to redesign. And even then it would be in bits and pieces, and not a cohesive process at all. Because it definitely is daunting to figure out everything all at once! That’s why I’m so grateful to Kat for doing most of the heavy lifting! She really helped make our dreams of a redesign come true!


  5. I LOVE YOUR REDESIGN SO MUCH!!! it’s absolutely gorgeous and adorable and i feel like it fits with your style so well. kat is an absolute darling and she’s so freaking skilled with her art, love her. so cute!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. THANK YOU, MAY! ❤ Your comment made me so very happy! We’ve been working on this redesign for weeks, trying to get everything absolutely perfect, and you listed literally all the key words that I wanted to accomplish with this new look! 💕

      And, yes! Kat is amazing and was so patient with us as the design evolved! And the fact that she could create such beautiful and detailed artwork based on our vague initial requests blew my mind!


  6. I love your redesign and most importantly, you love it and think it fits you! Now I want a custom icon for myself. Those are the cutest.

    I had a professional redesign done after a year of blogging and it made blogging more of a pleasure for me, as well as a better experience for my visitors. It was absolutely worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love love love the new design of your blog! The header and your icons are very cute too! I’m glad you two could find what worked with you and the blog. And Kat sure is a great designer!

    Also, this isn’t important but blue is my favourite colour and your choice of blue matches well with the new design!! I’m so happy for you guys ❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! Yayy, I’m so happy you like it, we had such a great time working with Kat on the design! 💕💕 Also blue is one of my favorite colors too, I love how there are so many beautiful shades 😍

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Nicole! 💕 The icons were so much fun to design and I actually squealed with excitement over how cute they were when I saw the final product! And it was so much fun to add these little details about ourselves into our blog, to really make the design feel uniquely our own!


  8. I’m so, so very late to this post, but I absolutely ADORE this new design! Congratulations on the change, your blog looks so stunning ahh, I’m in love. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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