March Reading Wrap Up

The month is finally over! We think this may be one of the first times that the term “March Madness” truly applies to everyone, worldwide. March has been very crazy for pretty much everyone, and it’s time to talk about what we managed to read despite the world turning upside down.

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Us when mid-March hit

Books Read:


I read 9 books this month and that makes me very happy! I’m also currently reading a few books that I’m enjoying, so that makes me hopeful for April as well! My only 5 star read was a re-read that I spontaneously picked up when answering the Netflix Book Tag earlier this month. In fact, I talked about quite a few of the books I read in March in that post, now that I think about it. Regardless, even though I had no new 5 star ratings, I did read a ton of 4 star reads that I highly recommend and very much enjoyed. I also finally finished When the Stars Lead to You after several months, so I’m happy that I completed that book even though I didn’t enjoy it.

Five Stars:

Make Good Art

Four Stars:

Cub Snug The How and the Why Almost American Girl Heated Rivalry

Three Stars:

The Duchess Deal Turtle Under Ice

Two Stars:

When the Stars Lead to You


I read 14 books this month and continue to be behind on my reading challenge! I read some really great books this month, though my only 5 stars were rereads. For next month my main reading goal is to just finish reading some of the Netgalley books I have so that I can review them in time, but we’ll see how that ends up.

Five Stars:

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Four Stars:

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Three Stars:

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Books Acquired:


For once I have something to show for this section! I finally got my hands on a copy of Dear Edward, since I was supposed to read that for the book club that Chana and I are in. Unfortunately, even though I now own a copy, I still haven’t started reading it. Oops! I bought Heidi’s Guide to Four Letter Words because I’ve been looking for something cute and fun to read, and had seen this recommended a few weeks back. If I don’t get to this book in April, I’ll be really surprised!

I also got accepted for my most anticipated book on 2020, Take a Hint, Dani Brown! I still haven’t quite processed the fact that I can now read this book, but I can’t wait to get to it! I’m trying to hold off until closer to the release date in June before starting it, but I don’t know how long my resolve will last! As for The Boyfriend Project, I was scrolling through NetGalley, as one does, and discovered this book. I checked it up on Goodreads, and it sounded really good so I requested it on a whim. Imagine my surprise when I got approved less than 15 minutes later!


Dear Edward Heidi's Guide to Four Letter Words


Take a Hint, Dani Brown


The Boyfriend Project


This month I bought The House in the Cerulean Sea and I’m really excited to read it! I also got approved for The Extraordinaries on Netgalley, which is super exciting!


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Things We Did:


Thinking back on this month takes some serious effort! Honestly, for the most part, I have done nothing new or interesting. I read, I did homework, and I slept. That pretty much summarizes my life for any given month though. I did make banana bread last week, which was exciting! But other than that, not much has changed besides the fact that classes are online and I hate it with a passion. I’d much rather focus on the banana bread.

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I know we sort of say this every month. But this month genuinely felt like it lasted 18 years. The first half of the month was really great! I got a haircut that I was really excited about, and the weather started to get nice so that we didn’t have to wear coats anymore.

About halfway through the month our college closed campus and moved to remote learning and it has been weird. I originally thought that I might be able to get more reading done now that I’m home stuck at home, but most of my professors have been assigning more work now that we’re remote, which isn’t super helpful.

My professors coming up with more projects to assign

Earlier in the semester, I was involved with the rocketry club on campus, but the competition was canceled and the campus was closed, so all manufacturing for that was canceled for this year too. So since there’s really nothing other than school right now, my goal for the next few months is to start drawing again so that I won’t just be doing school work 24/7.

Posts We Loved:

Laura @ Boats Against the Current discusses how she wants to have a book hangover.

Dani @ Metamorphoreader talked about her insecurities as a book blogger, which was super relatable.

Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books discusses some tips she has for interacting with the book blogging community.

May @ Forever and Everly wrote a great post spotlighting some amazing books coming out in March-June.

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We hope you all are staying safe and healthy! If any of you are bored or just want to talk at any point feel free to reach out! We’re pretty much always on Instagram or Twitter and are always looking for an opportunity to procrastinate.

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 What was your favorite book that you read this month? Have you been reading more or less now that you’re stuck indoors? Did you bake anything fun?

48 thoughts on “March Reading Wrap Up

    1. Yay! I’m so glad to hear that! I bought it specifically because it sounded like a lot of fun! I could use a book that will make me smile! And I felt the exact same way! After finishing Get a Life, Chloe Brown, I couldn’t wait until the next book was released!

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  1. Great post! I wish I had banana bread to munch on, but I’d rather not do the baking as I suck at it haha. Will be checking out some of the posts linked here, can’t wait to see your upcoming content!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gaah, I kind of want to release a PSA to Professors everywhere to let them know that they should go a little bit easier on us since we’re kind of in the middle of a global pandemic, but I feel like they wouldn’t listen🙄😪 Thank you!! Stay safe Kay, and I hope that your April goes well!! ❤❤


  2. Ah, I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy When the Stars Lead to You much!! It seemed like an underrated gem, so I was excited to read it :(( I hope that both of you are staying safe during this time ❤ And it's so sad that your professors are piling in more work now of all times! I hope things get better soon ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, that was a really disappointing read for me. There were so many aspects of this book that missed the mark for me, even though I clearly saw what the author was intending. I spent a lot of the book ranting to my friends about how lots of things were written and/or handled. I was considering doing a full review just because I have such complicated feelings. I chose not too because I felt bad since it isn’t a popular book in the first place, and reviews from me are infrequent even when I love a book, so I didn’t want to write such a negative one for no reason. But I know that lots of people loved this one, so maybe it’s more of a me thing? I have no idea. This book has me conflicted in all sorts of ways.

      Thank you so much, Caitlin! I hope you’re staying safe as well! I really wish I didn’t have school at the moment because of how much stress my professors are causing. I also no longer have a spring break because my school is terrible, so at this point, I’m just counting down the days until the semester is over. Thank you! 💕

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  3. i saw the electric heir’s cover and i genuinely JUMPED when i remembered that i hadn’t answered your dm on twitter yet, chana 😭😭 SO SORRY ABOUT THAT!! but i remember we were talking about domestic dara and noam and 💖💖 my heart 💖💖 i’ve also heard REALLY great things about the house in the cerulean sea and i hopefully will end up reading it for pride in june!!

    i hope you have a great april!

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    1. No worries!! But yess, domestic Dara and Noam is just ❤💕💖💓 !! I’m super excited for House in the Cerulean Sea!! Right now I’m hoarding it just in case I won’t have anything to read later since my library has now limited the number of digital books you can take out (if you’re wondering how many books I can now take out at once, it is a grand total of THREE). But I’m probably going to cave soon and read it this month anyways 😂

      Thank you!! I hope your April is fantastic too! 💕💕

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This month really has been madness! And usually it feels like months fly by but this one seemed to take forever to get through! You guys still managed to read a lot of books tho so good job 😀 Somehow even though I’ve been stuck at home too I have been reading less. I am able to work from home, but my hours are still the same and I no longer have a commute so I am not sure why I am reading less. I hope you guys have a great April!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. March felt like it lasted yeaaarrrss! And I’ve been finding the same thing, I’m home all the time but I’m definitely reading less! For me, I sometimes read on my commute, so that might be why I’m reading less. But I also think that being stuck at home really puts a kink in our schedules. Like now that I’m always home, I feel like I should always be doing school work when before, most of my school work was regulated to when I was on campus. I hope you have a fantastic April too! 💕

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  5. I really want to read The House in the Cerulean Sea—it looks adorable!! Two of my three kids hate online school, the other one loves it—she has decently easy classes this semester, so she spends less time on actual school and more time on video games. My mother instincts are screaming at this, but she’s an A student, so I can’t complain. 🙂

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    1. I’m really excited to read House in the Cerulean Sea!! I’ve heard so many good things so far!

      Hahaa, my siblings are doing the same thing! I’ll hear their teacher talking but when I walk past their computer they’re playing horse games (my little sister) or looking up Fortnite videos (my little brother) on different tabs. I hope you have a great April Nicole!! And that everything goes well with the kids stuck at home 💕💕

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  6. aww ‘snug’ looks so cute!! and i’m so glad you enjoyed ‘almost american girl’ too! i read it last week and really liked the art style and the way the story was told. look at chana go!!! 14 books 👏👏👏 im so impressed. i want to read ‘anna k’ so badly, i’ve heard only the greatest things about it

    congrats on the arcs!! i can’t wait to hear your thoughts on ‘take a hint dani brown’ and the ‘boy friend project’ (i may be obsessed with the illustrated covers hehe)

    hope you’re both having a fantastic month! ❤️❤️

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    1. Snug is super cute! It reminded me of one of my favorite comics, Soppy, in that it was just little moments of cuteness between the author and her significant other! I love when I find things that are just 😍 in book form!

      I also thought Almost American Girl was really well done as well! I’m super picky with art styles in graphic novels, but I loved the style in this one! And in general I thought it was just a really great graphic memoir!

      Thank you! I’m very excited for both of them, and because I got them through NetGalley/Edelweiss I’ll definitely have full reviews with all my thoughts in the next few months! (And I very much agree, illustrated covers are the absolute best!)

      Thank you, May! I hope you’re having a wonderful month as well! 💕

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  7. Eep I made banana bread too! And lots of other deliciousness this month 😍😍 I’m homeschooled so I’m used to doing school at home, but it’s been stressful for a lot of my friends. I hope we all have a much better April! 💖🌷

    (Also I haven’t read any of the books you guys read this month?? So thanks for all the recs! 😀 )

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    1. Yay for banana bread buddies! I really should start baking more. I forgot how much I enjoy it, and ending up with a tasty treat at the end doesn’t hurt! 🍰

      This online learning has been super stressful for me! It’s impossible to replicate how we learned in person, and my professors aren’t doing a very good job of adapting!

      I’d definitely recommend all of my 4 or 5 star reads! I’m so glad I could introduce you to some new books!

      I hope you have a wonderful April! 💕

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      1. Exactly! Isn’t baking the best? 🤩 But ugh, that must be a frustrating switch. It really makes you appreciate in-person learning (and in-person everything!). Thanks again for these recs, I’m super excited to read them!

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  8. I, too, read nine books in March, Malka! I’m glad to see you got the books you requested. I’ve never requested ARCs before but I hear constantly it can get overwhelming — hopefully you find some pockets of time to read for pleasure instead of just for school. It sucks your professors are creating more work for you. It’s almost as if there isn’t a global pandemic that everyone is experiencing and that we need to cope for? But that’s just my own thought. Hopefully they lighten up on y’all quick. Anyway, happy April and stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s so cool! Which of the 9 was your favorite?

      I’m so happy that I got early copies of these books! They both sound like something I’m going to love! Requesting ARCs can definitely be overwhelming. And it can be disappointing too, when you get rejected for an ARC you’re really excited for. Though if you ever want to start using NetGalley or request ARCs in general, I have some really great posts that I’ve read with great tips!

      And I set aside my weekends to read for pleasure, since otherwise I wouldn’t ever give myself a break. So on school days I focus on schoolwork, and on weekends I try my best to relax and read!

      There’s a pandemic???? I’ll have to let my professors know! But seriously, they have not been understanding in the slightest despite what’s going on. Online schooling is not the same as in person learning, and my professors are doing a terrible job of adapting and being considerate of the circumstances. Hopefully they start changing up their policies and workloads soon!

      I hope you have a wonderful April as well! 💕


  9. i read like 5 books in march so i’m in awe of y’all reading so much 😭

    the covers of turtle under ice and snug are practically SINGING to me,,,, so soft *star eyes*


    the boyfriend project & surrender your sons sound v interesting, thanks for bringing them on my radar, absolute queen behavior

    ah SIS I HEAR YOU ABOUT THE ASSIGNMENTS. professors are really out there trying to compensate the face to face time by giving us SO MANY assignments which are way more harder to do because,,,,, you’re not in an environment where you’re focussed all the time? i hate it here, thanks

    march was also supposed to be the month of a lot of club events which are now cancelled so that’s that on that 🙃

    hope y’all are taking care of yourselves! 💛✨

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    1. Turtle Under Ice has such a nice cover!! I read it only for the cover and I’m not embarrassed to admit that 😂 I also hadn’t heard anything about Surrender Your Sons, but I saw it on Netgalley and it looked pretty (confirmed: I literally only read things because they’re pretty, it’s bad) so I requested it!

      And YES, TJ KLUNE!!! I read his Wolfsong series last year and was *obsessed*, and then I totally forgot about him until I saw the Tales of Verenia series come up on my Twitter, so I just read them all! I’m really excited for House in the Cerulean Sea, but I’m lowkey scared to start it because then I won’t be able to read it anymore?? It’s weird.

      I swear the number of times the phrase I hate it here goes through my head while I’m in the middle of these remote class is ASTRONOMICAL. It’s the worst, I’m so ready for this semester to be over 😪

      Thank you!! Stay safe and I hope you have a great April!! ❤❤


  10. Thank you so, so much for sharing my post, I’m so happy you enjoyed it ❤ ❤
    I'm so sorry you didn't love When the stars Lead to you, Malka! It was one of my favorite reads and, if you don't mind me asking, what bothered you especially in the story? (I'm just curious, to each their own! :)) I'm glad you had other lovely reads this month, I'm especially curious about the how and why! 🙂
    Chana, I'm SO impatient to read Anna K. and The Grace Year sounds awesome, so glad you liked both!! 🙂
    Have a lovely April, take care of yourselves ❤

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    1. Of course! I really enjoyed that discussion, because I’d never really taken the time to think about how I interact with the book blogging community much beforehand! 💕

      I was actually considering writing a review because there were quite a few things that bothered me. I think some of my main issues were that I never felt the emotional connection between Ashton and Devon, and therefore didn’t understand how their love was so all-consuming and emotionally devastating after just a few weeks. I also didn’t like how very extreme everything was. Devon’s family was the absolute best and Ashton’s was the absolute worst, and such. And then I just disliked how the mental health rep was handled, and how Devon was so quick to believe that Ashton was doing just fine when he’d go from emotionally wrecked to very obviously hiding his pain and pretending he was okay. The only thing that redeemed this book for me in the slightest was the ending, since they both were in therapy and the toxicity of the relationship was addressed. In general this book just didn’t work for me at all, but I’m happy to hear that it was something that worked well for you!

      But yes, I definitely enjoyed most of my reads in March! The How & the Why kind of took me by surprise actually! I was expecting it to have more of a focus on a romance like most contemporaries, but it really was just a story about adoption told from the mother’s perspective as she’s pregnant and the daughter’s perspective at age 18. I think it was really well done and definitely would recommend it!

      I hope you have a wonderful April as well! ❤

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      1. Oh thank you so much for taking the time to answer, it’s so interesting to see your point of view on the book! I feel like not many people have read it, so I’m glad to chat with someone that has 🙂 I get your point of view about it all, it’s interesting to see how this didn’t work out for you! 🙂

        Ahh really? That’s so good to hear! I need to add this one to my TBR 😀

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  11. It looks like reading treated you guys well this March!
    And can I say how much I love the blog design now, it looks awesome! ❤
    I've been reading way more now since isolation, it has been kinda surreal.
    I made cupcakes!

    I wish you both the best for April.
    – Emma 🙂

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  12. Y’all read some good-looking books in March! I’m especially interested in Neil Gaiman’s ‘Make Good Art’ Speech. I’m sorry to hear that professors are assigning more work! My classes also moved to remote learning, but professors have been gracious and understanding. I haven’t read as much because of depression. I’m working through things step by step.

    I love the new blog design!

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    1. Make Good Art is fantastic! It’s a piece of art itself! The thought that was put into the design works so well with the message, and I’m just obsessed with everything about that book!

      I’m so happy to hear that your professors are being accommodating! Some of mine decidedly are not, even after emailing them to try to make things more manageable.

      Depression sucks and I’m so sorry to hear that it’s affecting your reading.😔 I really hope that your mental health improves soon! ❤

      Thank you! 💕

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  13. March has been a crazy month and you’re right, it’s probably been that way for everyone!😂

    I absolutely adore the Tales of Verania series! It’s a very “love or hate” one I think though, I definitely see why it’s not for everyone but they crack me up😂

    I also need to keep up to date with my NG books! I also got Surrender Your Sons and The Extraordinaries on there. Already read and loved TE and The House in the Cerulean Sea is my fav book of the year so far! I really hoping you love it 🙂

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    1. I loved the Tales of Verenia series so much!!! It’s so funny and the characters are all so great! I also saw that TJ Klune said he might write more in the series but focusing on Justin, and I know he’s busy with a bunch of other projects right now, but I really hope he does it!

      Hahaha, I am officially behind with Netgalley, but like I said, my only goal is to get my reviews out of the way before the month ends, so I still have time 😅 Aaah, I want to read TE but I’m forcing myself to finish my other books first!

      I hope you’re having a great April!! 💕💕

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  14. My days are all running together so I don’t remember what books I read when, but a recent favorite was Technically You Started It. A middle grade I just finished and enjoyed was A Field Guide to Getting Lost. Cub and Almost American Girl are both on my wishlist and I recently purchased The How and the Why with a gift card. I hope you both are safe and well!

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    1. Oh, the days are definitely all a blur! If not for Goodreads I wouldn’t know what I read when!

      I read Technically You Started It last year and thought it was really cute! I’m so happy that you enjoyed it as well! I had so much fun reading both Cub and Almost American Girl! I hope you get a copy soon, and enjoy them as well! And I’m so curious to hear what you think of The How and the Why! I had some random expectations, so some parts surprised me when I read it, but it really was a great book!

      I hope that you’re staying safe and that you have a wonderful April!

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