Tag, You’re It! Our Thoughts on Book Tags

It’s been a while since the two of us wrote a discussion post together, and we figured we were way overdue! So we decided it would be fun to discuss a topic that we always work on and post together: Tags!

One really fun part of blogging is answering different tags! These can range from tags that have questions that ask about you, the blogger, to tags that center on the books you’ve been reading. Or sometimes they’re a mix of both! Many tags also have specific themes, like this one centered around baked goods, or this one that asks you Netflix related questions yet somehow manages to make it book related! But while tags are a lot of fun to do, there are some things that can make them difficult to answer, and that’s what we’re here to talk about today!

The first thing that we’ve noticed after doing many different tags, is that a lot of them ask similar questions. This makes sense of course in situations were you ask what someone is currently reading, since that usually changes from the time you do one tag to the next, but other common questions are more difficult to answer, especially when you don’t want to be repetitive. Questions like “What’s your favorite book?” or “Which book got you to love reading?” are pretty frequent in tags, but it’s not simple to vary your answers to these questions. How many times have you seen Malka answer with Fangirl or Red, White, & Blue, because the tag we were currently answering asked a very similar question to the tag we did the time before that?

Now this isn’t to say that it’s bad to include those kinds of repetitive questions in a tag! Many times these questions are cleverly and creatively related to the tag’s theme. But it certainly is more entertaining when a tag allows for new answers, even if it does take a bit more searching on Goodreads to find the perfect answer! 

Tags are also really fun to read! Most of the time. Like we mentioned earlier tags come in so many different forms and themes! There are musical artist related tags, show related tags, time of year related tags, etc. So the possibilities are endless! Because of all these fun things, reading tags should be fun too, right? It seems like the perfect way to get more book recommendations, and learn a bit more about the reading tastes and preferences of your fellow bloggers! Unfortunately, there are a few things that stop that from happening. We like to call these the one word answer tags. 

Say you’re scrolling through a blog post, and yay! It’s a tag themed to something you enjoy! You start scrolling some more, excited to see what the answers to the questions are, but wait! There’s something missing. In reply to the tag prompt there is only a book title written out. Now you’re left feeling forlorn, and a little lost. Why did the blogger choose to put this book down as an answer? This confusion follows you throughout the day. Permeating every small insignificant action. You try to make yourself a bowl of cereal, but while pouring the milk you freeze. You must have an answer. You need to know! This is the beginning of your descent into madness. You leave no stone unturned, but clarity is never found. You die alone, a life wasted. 

When a tag answer only has the book title

Anyways, if you’re filling out a tag, let us know why you decided to choose a book for that answer! Tags are a great way for readers to get to know your bookish preferences and personality. If you just leave a book title or merely the cover of the book as your answer, it’s kind of defeating the purpose of the tag. 

We know that some bloggers do tags as a sort of “easy” post to just get out there, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But adding a little blurb about why you chose a book, really adds a whole nother dimension to the post!

ryan reynolds hd GIF

Another thing to consider with tags is the whole getting tagged and actually doing it thing. We love getting tagged! Unfortunately, we sometimes suck at actually doing them. If you’ve ever tagged us in a tag, we have that listed somewhere, and we have vague plans to do it in the future! So that’s not really the problem. The problem comes with time-restricted tags. For example, the mid-year freakout tag. Is it past the mid-year mark? Yeah (thank goodness, OMG, please make this year end). Are we still going to do the mid year tag sometime this month? Uh, yeah! We love that tag! But that doesn’t change the fact that we were tagged a few weeks ago, when it was actually the middle of the year!

However, on the flip side of this is tagging people! That moment when you’re asked to tag 15 people is one of the most stressful situations we’ve come across! Have we sometimes put off answering a tag because we didn’t know who to tag? Maaaaaybe. There’s just so much to consider! Does that person answer tags? Did we already tag them last time? Have they done this tag already? Side note, if you like getting tagged, let us know in the comments! We will tag you in the future.

So there you have our thoughts on tags, both the good and the bad! If you’ve ever taken the time to create a tag, we’re super impressed and hope that you take no offense to anything we mentioned! And if you’ve ever tagged us, thank you! Even if we haven’t done it yet, we appreciate the fact that you’re interested in hearing our answers!

Do you like answering tags? Do you want to get tagged more? What’s your favorite tag question to answer?

68 thoughts on “Tag, You’re It! Our Thoughts on Book Tags

  1. Great post ! I love doing tags because they are so fun to do and they make great book lists …..another plus point is that they are really interactive … Yes the tag questions do get a little repetitive and most of the times I try to select differs books because I have so many favs ….I love reading tags too they are so fun to read and u get to know the blogger much better…..haha and yes I just started two months ago and I don’t know so many people…..so like 10 – 15 bloggers to tag is a huge task and I just end up repeating the bloggers…..and sometimes people just don’t do the tag maybe because they are busy or have huge pile of tags and awards…..another idea Is to tag all the readers so if they want they can do the tag but then if u tag everyone rarely any does the tag and u end up breaking the chain
    Once again lovely discussion idea ! I just reading your discussions

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    1. Yeah! I love reading tags because I usually get such good recommendations from them, and they’re a great way to interact with bloggers! Tagging so many people is super stressful though 😅 I like tags that make you tag 3-5 people, and then anyone else who wasn’t tagged can still do the tag! Thank you Krisha! 💕💕

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  2. Awesome post! I totally feel this, especially the part about the tagging other people. I always worry about annoying people when I tag them and I still have no idea who to tag most of the time. Also, if I procrastinate doing the tag, are they even relevant anymore when I post them? Who wants to do a month-old tag? (Me, mostly, if I haven’t done it yet. 😀 )

    Out of all the tags I think I love the Liebster Award the most because it allows so much creativity. I love making up questions which are sometimes convoluted and crazy. It’s too bad when people can’t think of how to answer which is also often a problem. How do you answer questions that deviate from the “What’s your current read?” norm? Some are rather tricky. 🙂 Anyway. I like tags and if you don’t mind waiting for the answers a little, don’t hesitate to tag me. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! Aah, tagging people can be so nerve-wracking sometimes! Yeah, sometimes I wonder if people will be annoyed if I tag them, or wonder if they’ve already done the tag etc. (And I am also all for doing tags that are no longer “relevant” 😅).

      The Liebster award is definitely a fun one! And it’s a great way to get to know bloggers better. Yayy! Expect to get tagged in the future 😄

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  3. I love this post! ❤ I love tags, personally, because it’s almost a window into the social part of the community ~ for me, one of my favorite things about the blogging world is talking (screaming) about my favorite books with other people who also like them, and I feel like tags are a fun way to start those kind of conversations!

    (On a sidenote ~ I love your guys’ blog so, so, SO much! 🥺 I’m sorry that I’m so horrible and inconsistent at commenting, though, I promise I’m trying harder to be better at it! ❤)

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    1. Thank you so much! 💕 That’s a really good point! Tags are definitely a great way to find new blogs and to talk about books you love with other bloggers! And I’ve definitely use tags to boost books I love and to start conversations about them!

      Awwww, thank you! 🥰 Don’t stress out about commenting! We know how difficult it can be! But your support means so much to us! 💗


  4. I did lot of tags in first year of blogging but then I got tired of it specially because I have to think a lot who to tag and some people I tag does tag but won’t even reply to tag! And I’m not talking about doing tag on their blog but just thank you which made me feel like I offended that person. So I stopped doing tags for a year and now I do tags but only if questions are different and I might not follow that last rule – Tag so and so number of people’. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, it’s definitely a struggle to figure out who to tag. But I try to remind myself that we’re pretty overdue on some tags ourselves, so I’m sure that some of the people we tag are in similar positions and aren’t deliberately ignoring our tag! But a thank you is always nice! (Although sometimes we don’t know we were tagged because we got no notification, and therefore it’s purely an accident that we missed out on that tag and on saying thank you.)

      While we haven’t taken a year off from tags, we only do about one or two tags a month on our blog to try to make sure we’re not getting too repetitive! But we also don’t always tag the exact number of people we were told to tag. In fact, sometimes we don’t even tag anyone at all!

      Thank you! 💕

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  5. Oooh interesting topic. I personally enjoy tags, but I’ve noticed if I do too many I get bored with it :’) I personally prefer to put my effort into writing reviews. Not that there’s anything wrong with tags, but I like writing reviews more. But a tag with a theme I like or that’s seasonal every now and then I reeeally enjoy because they can really show more about the blogger, their reading habits and preferences. So I enjoy to read them to get to know people better 🙂

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    1. Yeah! I like tags every now and again, because they’re fun to do, and you can recommend a whole bunch of books at once. But I do think reviews will always make a stronger case for books. Personally, I like writing more themed book lists than I do doing tags, so we try to space out the tags we do so that we don’t get bored with them! 😄

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  6. I agree with everything you said here! Tags can be repetitive sometimes, so doing a lot in a row can feel boring (and, I assume, reading too many in a row is the same way, haha.) But they’re still fun to do! I love how, even though they’re more simple to write than say, a discussion, you can still make them interesting and even discuss books you haven’t yet had the chance to.

    I have to agree about answers without explanation – they’re so frustrating to read and feel kind of lazy. I always end up closing those posts without commenting, because what can I say when the blogger didn’t actually say/explain anything? :/ Kind of off topic, but I used to do Top Ten Tuesday, and I had the same problem with some posts – they simply posted the titles/covers without writing even a sentence about them.. Also, yes!! Tagging can be so nerve-wrecking, we end up not tagging anyone and then feeling bad about that pretty frequently, lol. (Sabrina and I like being tagged, btw!)

    Great discussion!

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    1. Tags can get super repetitive! But since they’re fun to do, we’ve struck a balance and we only do one or two a month, with a variety of other posts in between, that way it doesn’t get boring, both for us and those who are reading our answers! And while they’re pretty simple to answer, there’s usually always one prompt that stumps me for a bit! But they are a really great way to discuss multiple books at once and start such great conversations about them. I’ve even convinced some people to read certain books from how much I mentioned that I loved them in tags alone!

      Answers with no explanation are the worst. Like I understand that it can be time consuming to add all the covers, especially if you’re also linking to Goodreads, but it’s worth it. And what’s the point of just leaving me with just a title or a cover. That doesn’t tell me why you think it fits a certain prompt! I can’t get to know a blogger or start a conversation with such a post, so I don’t end up commenting on those posts either! And I’ve definitely seen the same sort of thing with Top Ten Tuesday. I think some people don’t realize that the purpose of tags and TTT are to start a conversation, not to just spit out the first answer that comes to mind. Tell us WHY you chose that book!

      Tagging can be super nerve wracking, and is probably part of the reason that we procrastinate doing tags! Half the time we don’t tag anyone either just because it gets to be too stressful! But now that I know you guys like being tagged that will make the process a lot easier! Get ready to get tagged!

      Thank you! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  7. This is great, and so very accurate! Because in theory, I love them! I have dozens of them saved because I WANT to do them, and I do enjoy being tagged, even if they just sit as drafts forever hahha. I am definitely more likely to do the ones that are a little unique and give me a chance to highlight other books, because you are so right- no one wants to hear about how I still like The Hunger Games a decade later, or even worse, when I change all the answers so they work with The 100 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! That’s exactly how we feel! We keep all the tags that people tagged us in, and every once in a while we actually do them, but there is some element of stress involved with tagging people, and making sure you’re doing the tag at the right time of year, and making sure you actually have answers, etc. Plus in order not to do too many tags at once (which can get repetitive) we only answer about one or two tags a month, even if we get tagged 3 times that month, which makes us eternally behind on tags!

      Unique tags are the absolute best though! Whenever I see a creative tag that has questions that immediately has me contemplating how I’d answer them, I start hoping that we get tagged! Although I’m still slightly repetitive with some answers, and I definitely cheat and change around questions to fit my purposes as well!


  8. I love this discussion so much—you put all my thoughts on the topic into words!! I like tags, I really do, but what prevents me from doing them more often is 1) they don’t do as well as other posts (especially if the tag isn’t very famous, and 2) they can be a little boring to read and write, because, like you said, the questions in different tags overlap. I feel really bad because there are SO many tags that I’ve been tagged in, but I know in my heart I’m never gonna get around to doing. I just want to focus on posts that require more creativity and effort, like discussions 😅

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    1. Hahaha, great minds think alike! Yeah, there are also some tags with soooo many questions, and I look at them and think that I could probably write a more creative discussion with less effort 😅 I don’t mind the occasional tag, especially when I can’t think of anything else to blog, but they’re definitely not my favorite type of post.

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  9. Yes to everything in this post! I mostly agree with the tagging of other people. I have been putting of tags because I didn’t know who to tag, and when I’ve not been up to date in the blogosphere, I don’t know who did the tag already and who didn’t.
    I do really love to do tags! I’m a sucker for lists and questions, and tags are a combination of both. You’re right that they’re easy content mostly, but I really try each time to put different books in there and to talk about them a little.
    Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s honestly so difficult! When we’ve come back from hiatus and try to do tags, it’s really difficult because we have no idea who has already done the tag! Sometimes we just don’t tag people to make our lives easier!

      Tags are definitely a lot of fun, which is why we continue doing them despite some of the stressful/repetitive aspects. Formatting takes a while though, just because there are so many covers to add and link, and of course, commentary to write! But it really is the perfect blend of lists and discussions, so we continue to post them! For me, I think the most difficult part can sometimes be picking different books, because like you, I don’t like it when my answers are repetitive!

      Thank you! 💕

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  10. This post was really interesting to me! As a blogger who is relatively new to the idea of book tags, I found this post really interesting and enjoyable. I’ve only ever been tagged for a couple of tags, but I really like doing tags! I also have the same problem with not knowing who to tag, since I don’t know very many people in the community.

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    1. Thank you! Tags are really fun to do, and I totally get the problem with not knowing who to tag. If you ever need someone to tag, feel free to tag us! We might not answer it right away (because we are chronic procrastinators), but we still love getting tagged 😄


  11. I’ve never been one to a lot of book tags(i think my blog has 4/5) but lately I’ve been LOVING them! But book tags do have good and bad aspects to them, but they are overall so enjoyable and they often help me discover new blogs and such.

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    1. Yes! I love discovering new blogs through tags, and just finding out more about bloggers in general is so much fun!


  12. I love doing tag posts but I never actually get tagged in any so I just do them completely unprompted 😂 I totally get frustrated whenever I see someone reply to a tag question with either just the book name or just the book cover and then nothing else. I want to be able to have a conversation and I can’t do that if there’s nothing for me to talk about.

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    1. Honestly, that’s a pretty smart way of handling things! That way you’re only doing the tags you’re interested in at whatever time fits you best, without feeling guilty about not answering a tag from a few months back.

      And it really is so frustrating! I love starting conversations as well. That’s why I love discussion posts and why I leave relatively long comments. But when a post just has a book cover there’s no starting point for me to have any sort of conversation! I wonder if the people who just use covers/book titles even realize what wonderful discussions they’re missing out on!


  13. Haha, fun post!

    What I love about reading tags is that it’s a great way to get a bunch of quick recommendations. I find that I add a lot more books that I see in tags or lists than I do from book reviews. But yes, I *hate* when I’m looking at a tag and someone just posts a picture of the book. Um, hello, that does NOT make me want to read the book! I see a tag as a chance to give my elevator pitch as to why you should read something (or not, depending on the tag!).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!

      I totally agree! Tags are a great way to discover a whole bunch of new books at once! Book reviews only focus on one book, and I’m probably only going to read the review in the first place if I was already interested in the book, so I don’t get many recommendations from those.

      But when someone just posts a picture of the book, I feel as though they don’t understand the purpose of the tag! I want to know WHY you thought that book fit the prompt! Talk to me about the books you mentioned! I love getting elevator pitches, as you put it, because that’s what lets me know whether or not I want to look further into a book or not! Just seeing the cover will never have that same effect!

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    1. Thank you!! Yes, themed tags are so fun! I also love finding TV show/book themed tags because they tend to be so creative 😍

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  14. Tags can be really quick and fun! I agree that they can get somewhat redundant though, so I really love ones with unique themes or prompts! For the most part I love doing tags, although some of them like have themes that I’m not interested in, or are based off a book or movie I haven’t read/watched or something, so I usually ignore those, and on the flip side there are also some super fun looking tags that nobody tags me in so I just tag myself lmao.

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    1. Hahaha, yes! Same! When I see a themed tag going around that I love, I take note, because even if nobody tags me in it, I’m going to do it 😂 Also if I see a themed tag of a show or musical artist or something that I don’t know, I also probably won’t do it, just because it’s not as exciting to answer the questions if you don’t understand the theme.


  15. I also love getting tagged but suck at actually doing them. I’m super picky about the tags I do because I agree that a lot of the questions are similar. I don’t mind constantly screaming about my favorite books, but my blog readers probably get sick of repetitive content.

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    1. With us it’s we either answer tags within a month of being tagged, or we do them at least 6 months after getting tagged. There is no in between!

      And I 100% understand being picky about which tags you do. Recently Chana and I decided to be a little more picky as well, because the buildup of tags was just getting to be too much and we knew that there were some we just weren’t interested in answering for whatever reason.

      And I think that it’s fine to scream about your favorite books in tags every once in a while, but personally, I try not to mention the same books two/three tags in a row. And since we only do one or two tags a month at most, I figure that’s a good balance between reminding everyone how much I love a particular book, and being super repetitive with my answers!


  16. HA! You just kill me. So, totally with you on these. Especially about tagging. I hate being tagged and so I never tag anyone. I just pick the tags I am interested in doing, and do them. Then I say that if any bloggers liked the questions, they should consider themselves tagged.

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    1. That’s such a good way to go about it! It definitely removes the stress/annoyance of having to think of 15 other bloggers to tag, and then you don’t have to wait to get tagged to do a tag you’re interested in 😄

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  17. Oh, this is such a great discussion (as always)! I agree with so much of what you said, and I was laughing as hard at the part about wandering around life just thinking about why a blogger picked a certain book…I mean, it’s not inaccurate, I do love to know why.😂

    I do love participating in tags, but sadly I can definitely say I do not always do the ones I get tagged in. I think it’s for a lot of reasons- like you said, sometimes the questions are ones I already feel like I’ve answered and would say the same book as I’ve already recommended a lot of times. I also feel bad if I *only* post tags because since I only post once a week usually, I feel like I can’t do more than one a month tops. I do love to do a book tag though with a fun theme, especially if one of my blogging friends created it!

    I loved this post! xx

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    1. Aww, thank you so much, Olivia! 💕 The wandering about part was all Chana’s doing and it made me laugh a lot, so I figured we should keep it in the post! It’s definitely accurate! I’m always left so confused when people don’t explain why they picked a particular book. To me that’s where all of the fun of tags come in! You get to learn why a particular book was picked for a specific prompt, and that gives you some sense of whether you’d like that book or not!

      We’ve tried doing all the tags we were tagged in, but recently Chana and I have realized that there are some we just have no interest in answering for whatever reason. To keep from being repetitive, I try to make sure to vary my favorite books that I talk about, so that a particular book I love only comes up even 2 or 3 tags. And since we only post one or two tags a month, I figure that’s enough to keep from being too repetitive!

      There definitely are fun tags out there and that’s why we continue answering them! It’s just when we’ve been tagged an overwhelming amount of times that we start to consider which tags we want to answer. We always want to have read books that answer the tag prompts, but we also want questions that we’ll both enjoy answering!

      Thank you so much! 💗

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  18. I loved reading this post – such a fun discussion idea!!
    I tend to enjoy reading tags but I get what you mean about how they can be repetitive! Especially because the bloggers I follow tend to have similar book tastes (generally YA fantasy/contemporary) so I often see the same hyped books mentioned.
    I also feel like I have not read that many books compared to other bloggers because I kind of fell out of love with reading for a couple years and so I’m so behind on YA releases! So I find that for a lot of tags my answers always have the same books and I don’t want to be repetitive?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! 💕

      Aah, I’m the same with being behind on YA releases!! I kind of stopped reading for a bit when I was in high school, so these past two years I’ve been catching up on a lot of books and also just reading what comes out now. So basically my tag answers always end up being books that I’ve recently read 😅


  19. This is such an awesome discussion post! I think the questions can definitely get repetitive and that’s why it’s all the more impressive when people come up with original tags that have new questions as well. I haven’t actually come across any book tags linking the books without any explanation, but I agree that it’s much more fun to read when there’s an explanation.

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    1. Thank you!! Yess, I love seeing original tags! They always show how creative people are, and I love seeing the creative answers that people come up with 🥰 I haven’t seen too many tags without explanation but the few that I have seen are frustrating 😅

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  20. i definitely agree that tags can be so fun and creative, and i love seeing all the themes people come up with, but you’re so right that the questions can be repetitive! also lmao the paragraph about one-word answer tags had me dying 😅😅 my favorite part about reading tags is the explanation behind the books the blogger chose, so i agree with you there as well!!

    also ahhh the struggle of choosing who to tag is so real, i get so stressed and start thinking about whether that person has already done this tag, what if they don’t answer tags, etc 🙈 and it’s hard to keep track of all the things you’ve been tagged for too haha!!

    this was such an amazing discussion, i loved reading your thoughts 💖💖 (also, i’m so sorry for being late to this post – i read and loved it a while ago and never got the chance to comment 😭)

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    1. Yes! There are so many wonderful and original tags out there! But sometimes I just need a break from tags because I don’t want to answer the same question over and over again!

      And, yes! That paragraph was the greatest! Chana wrote it and when I read it I was laughing so much that I knew we needed to keep it in! Because I totally agree! The best part of a tag is reading why a blogger chose the book they did!

      And sometimes when Chana and I are struggling with who to tag, we just don’t tag anyone! It can just get to be way too stressful! But we do have a pretty good method for keeping track of tags. Whenever we get a pingback notification over email, we label it and then we move the email to where we keep all the tags we haven’t done. That way when we’re looking for a tag to do, we just have to check that section where we have all the notifications that we got tagged!

      Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed! 💕 (And you totally don’t have to apologize for commenting late! We appreciate comments no matter how long ago we posted!)

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  21. LOVE all these fun insights on tag posts! Totally agree with you on tags that only have a title as the answer—though perhaps it’s not quite as soul-crushing to me as it is to you. LOL! I also stress about doing a tag in a timely manner and about tagging people. I usually just don’t tag people at all and tell people to do the tag if they like it. But I’m happy to be tagged if you need someone to add to your list. (Just don’t be mad if it takes me awhile to do it. 🙂 )

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    1. Hahaha I maay have exaggerated a bit with the soul-crushing bit, but tags that don’t have any explanation always annoy my a little bit 😅 Tagging people is super stressful! I’ve started stressing less about being timely, just because I see that there are so many other bloggers who struggle with it too. Yayyy, we’ll definitely tag you in the future! And take all the time you need, we definitely know a thing or two about procrastinating answering tags 💕


  22. Oh what a fantastic discussion post, I love it! 💕 I so agree when you say it’s so frustrating to see just a book title as an answer to a prompt. I’m here to know why you choose that book and, when i just don’t know, i’m soooooo frustrated. I feel like this is a real missed chance to start discussions on books and, isn’t that what we’re all here for?
    I feel stressed out about tagging people, too, ahah. I know that personally i never ever manage to get to tags on “time” (there are tags from 2013 I haven’t done………………) and i don’t want to give other bloggers that kind of pressure, so i’ll always mention it in my tags “only if you want”, to hopefully give less pressure to everyone. I do like being tagged, it’s nice to see bloggers are thinking of you, but yeah it’s a bit stressful to get to it afterwards i’m always late so, i don’t want anyone to be mad or something😅

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    1. Exactly!! Like I’m more than happy to see what a persons answers for the questions are, but when it comes down to it, if they don’t explain why they chose a book I end up not really understanding their answer at all 😓

      Yeah! I feel like it’s way less pressure to mention “only if you want”, also I want to find at least *one* blogger who actually gets to tags on time 😂 It’s funny how tags are stressful on both ends, like there’s the oh no who do we tag, and the oh no what if I don’t get to the tag 😅

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  23. I like reading book tag posts BUT I don’t like the ones that have too many questions. Keep it short and sweet so that I can actually read the answers without feeling like it’ll never end lol. Also, I like to be tagged! I never get tagged to do any >.<

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  24. I love reading and writing book tags so much, especially because it makes me feel like part of a wider community conversation! But I definitely sympathize with struggling to find/make creative questions and deciding who to tag, especially when you’re just starting to make more connections with other bloggers. It can be so nervewracking. All that said, I still love being tagged and tagging others (even though I will most definitely be late, haha).

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    1. Yesss, I love doing tags especially when I see that it’s a tag that a lot of bloggers are doing! It’s so fun to see how everyone answered differently. Hahhaha, I think at this point answering a tag late is part of the blogging experience 😄

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