Why You Should Be Reading Book Blogs

In the (almost) two years that I’ve been blogging I’ve come to love a lot of things about it. But the one thing that I probably love the most is visiting other blogs! There are so many amazing bloggers who have beautiful blogs and wonderfully creative ideas and I’m really happy that I get to read their posts and interact with them. 

But sometimes I think about all the people who don’t read book blogs and it makes me kind of sad because they’re really missing out on a lot of fantastic things. I know that almost all the people who will end up reading this post are already reading book blogs, but just in case, here’s why that more people should be getting into book blogging whether as a blogger or a reader.


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Book recommendations: 

I think this is a pretty obvious one, but I will definitely explain why blogger recommendations are greater than any other. A few months ago I made a post judging YA book lists from big websites. One of the reasons why I even thought to judge them in the first place is because I think blogger recommendations will always be better than the ones on those official listicles. In general, I feel like blogger recommendations are a lot more genuine. 9/10 times when a blogger recommends a book they’ll explain why they liked it and tell you why you should read it. I would much rather read a book because a blogger said the plot was fantastic and the representation was the most accurate they’d seen in a while, rather than read a book because it was Reese Witherspoon’s book club pick. 

Another reason why blogger recommendations are better than any other kind is that bloggers will always recommend more diverse books than any official list would. If I wanted to continue to read the same three books by white authors about white, straight characters I would probably stick to the lists, but since I have taste, I’m always going to end up going with a blogger recommendation. 

Some bloggers who give great recommendations are:

💙 Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books

💙 May @ Forever and Everly

💙 Amy @ Bookish Heights


As is to be expected, most book lovers have strong opinions. And what better way to express those strong opinions than through discussion posts! Discussions are so incredibly fun to read for a multitude of reasons, some of which I will list in bullet point format. 

  • They can give you new perspectives
  • They’re a way to share ideas
  • They foster the healthy exchange of opinions (in a way that book twitter wishes it could)
  • They’re smart, funny, and incredibly creative 

Some bloggers who write great discussions are, 

💙 Sabrina and Vera @ Wordy and Whimsical

💙 Caitlin @ Caitlin Althea

💙 Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Aesthetically Pleasing Blogs

A lot of work goes into maintaining a blog. From writing and editing posts to just thinking up prompts for posts, but another very important thing to consider when blogging is a blogs design. Like I mentioned, I do love blog hopping, but if I come across a blog that doesn’t have a great design, it makes it harder to read and appreciate the posts. That’s why I think that people who do have very nice blogs should be celebrated!

When you look at book blogs you’re not only going to be looking at well-written posts, you’re also going to be looking at artistically designed and organized websites. Web design is hard! Figuring out how to use html and WordPress is even harder. That’s why I’m constantly in awe of all the bloggers out there with stunning blogs!

Some bloggers with gorgeous blog design,

💙 Kat @ Novels and Waffles

💙 Tiffany @ Tiffany Reads

💙 Cam @ Camillea Reads


My last reason for why you should be reading book blogs kind of works to tie the first two together. Interacting with book bloggers is such a great experience. All the bloggers that I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with over the past (almost) two years have been absolutely wonderful. I’ve been part of a few online communities in the past, but from my experience, the book blogging community has been the most welcoming one I’ve seen. 

People are always sharing posts and ideas, and I can almost guarantee that if you comment on a book blog, you will get a response. 

I’m not going to pretend that the book community is all rainbows and sunshine. I also do know that there are obviously different corners of the blogosphere which hold blogs and bloggers that aren’t the same as the ones I know, but there are many fantastic bloggers and my experience with the community thus far has been incredibly positive. 

I can’t really choose bloggers who are the best at interacting since the majority of the bloggers I’ve interacted with have been fantastic. 

@  all bloggers that I’ve interacted with

If you happen to be reading this post and you don’t normally read book blogs, consider checking them out! Also please share some of your favorite bloggers! I feel like there are so many people in the community that I’m missing out on, and I’d love to check out as many blogs as possible. 

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What do you enjoy about book blogs? Who are some of your favorite bloggers?


77 thoughts on “Why You Should Be Reading Book Blogs

  1. I really love Aditi’s blog (1oddity.wordpress.com) because she’s just so fun and she’s a literal activist and idk I just really like her stufff! (and she just finished StayHomeWriMo and her stories are AMAZING) she’s taking a little break rn but seriously tho she’s so inspiring!

    I also really love bludgersandbroomsticks.wordpress.com just because of all the snark and just idk I really love her writing voice!!! She’s also really fANTASTIC.


    and there’s a bunch more xD I should probably make my own post like this tbh.
    sorry for gushing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for the blog recommendations!! Aaah, I can’t wait to check them out, and um don’t apologize for gushing! If anything gush *more* 😁

      Liked by 1 person

    2. WAIT BECK OMG I was totally not stalking myself on google and then I found this and ?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH 💕💕💕 yes I am 7 months late it’s a new year and all but THANK YOUUU I LOVE YOU

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a brilliant post, Chana! I completely agree that book blogs are one of, if not the best place to get book recommendations, because of the reasons you outlined. All the other bloggers you mentioned are amazing, too.
    I love reading other book blogs, I find them informative and often inspiring. 😊📚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! Book blogs are so great, and I’m so happy that I started reading them. I love that I can get all my book recs from blogs, and that if there’s a hyped book that everyone’s talking about I’ll hear about it on the blogosphere first and I’ll be able to decide whether or not to try it out 😄

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It really is! I never knew how wonderful bloggers were, and I’m so happy that I joined the community. Thank you! ❤


    1. Aaah, thank you! I’m so happy you enjoyed it 🥰 I hope you love the bloggers I recommended as much as I do!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a great post, and definitely a way to take a moment to appreciate this wonderful community! I think people should be reading book blogs especially for your first point: book blogs are run by people that are actually passionate about literature and with their recommendations you can find the right book for you: either because they mention the book has a trope you like, or maybe because it has great character/plot development. I’m so glad I joined this little world, I wouldn’t change it for any other❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! I also love how there are so many ways for bloggers to give recommendations. From writing themed lists, to just mentioning the books they read that month, to tags! This community is wonderful and I’m super glad that I’m a part of it 💕💕


  4. Lol, I love that first gif you’ve used as well as this whole post!
    Your reasons are all so spot on – blogger recommendations are definitely better than “official listicles” (proved by your other post!) and I love aesthetically pleasing blogs so much (this is one of them!)
    Interacting with other bloggers is one of the best parts of blogging for me. it is so fun to chat with other people who are just as passionate about books and reading. I don’t think you can find this specific kind of interaction anywhere else.
    Great post, Chana!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aah, thank you Sabrina! When I first started blogging I was confused at how nice everyone was because I didn’t expect there to be so much genuine interaction, but I love it! And I’ve gotten so many fantastic recommendations through blogs too. Before I started reading blogs I would just take out random books from the library, and though that worked out fine, I’ve been reading much better books since taking recommendations!

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  5. There are so many lovely book bloggers out there and almost all the people I’ve come across have been so amazing! I definitely think book blogs are wonderful and necessary, there are so many out there I just love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! Almost everyone I’ve interacted with has been absolutely wonderful! Do you have any favorite blogs to recommend?

      Liked by 1 person

  6. i loved reading this post!! the reasons you mentioned are SO true – i trust book bloggers’ recommendations and opinions a lot, and i’ve found so many new favorites because of them! reading discussions and interacting with bloggers is also something i love about this community – it feels so heartwarming to talk with other people around the world about things you love. 😊

    this was a beautiful post, Chana! and speaking of following book blogs, your blog is so adorable and amazing – i love it!! 😍❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! I love how you can just start ranting about a book you love with someone that you’ve never met. Everyone is always so nice and courteous and I just adore seeing how creative everyone is 😍

      Aah, thank you Ash! 💕💕

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  7. May is also one of my favourite book bloggers! Yup. I absolutely agree with all of your points! Especially the interaction and the book recommendation parts. So very true!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yess, May is so wonderful! I think the reception of this post is also a great reflection of the book community, literally, everyone is just being so positive and talking about the bloggers that they love! Thank you for reading Aina! 💕🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you so much for mentioning us, you made me so happy. 😊 I love reading book blogs, and I fully agree with you – visiting blogs and interacting with bloggers is the best part of being a blogger. I mean, I love writing posts, but that’s not half as much fun as chatting about books and looking at all the wonderful content bloggers come up with. 🙂 I know and love many of these bloggers – Marie, May, Caitlin, Nicole, Cam and Kat – and I’m going to check out the rest of the people on your list. 😀 Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your blog is so wonderful!! I adore your discussion posts, they’re all so creative! Interacting is so fun! Seeing how nice and welcoming everyone is always puts a smile on my face 😄 Yayy, I hope you enjoy their blogs as much as I do!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Yesss, I agree with all of them! Honestly, I don’t know how I figured out which books to read before I read book blogs. Eventhough right now I have a crazy TBR, I wouldn’t have it any other way 😊
    Also, thanks for mentioning some blogs! I was in search of new blogs to follow and I don’t always know how to find them. When other bloggers tag them, it’s easier! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same! Every book I read before reading blogs was totally random and I had a lot more misses than I do when I take recommendations from bloggers. Haha, when I first started blogging and saw everyone talking about TBRs I was SO confused, but now I understand 😂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! They definitely are! I know so many bookworms who have never even heard of book blogs, and though I don’t think book blogs will ever be “mainstream” I definitely think there are loads of people out there who would love reading book blogs.


    1. Finding new blogs is definitely like a chain reaction! When bloggers link to other bloggers who link to other bloggers 😂 Thank you!! ❤❤

      Liked by 1 person

  10. This is such a great post! These days I get all of my book recommendations from book bloggers because I trust them more than anybody. I honestly can’t imagine just following a celebrity book club or going into a store and buying their pick of the month anymore because I trust book bloggers so much now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m the same way! And sometimes when a celebrity book club picks a book that was big in the blogging community it takes me by surprise because I’m confused at how they found out that it was good 😂😅


    1. Aah, thank you! Also I haven’t seen Kims Convenience yet but since season 4 was added to Netflix last month I’ve been planning to, the clips all look so funny!


  11. I love this post, Chana!! & I agree with all the points you made in it 😍😍 I really hate the fact that book blogs have kinda fallen by the wayside and been overtaken by platforms like bookstagram, booktube, and book twitter. Like, those platforms are good too (except book twitter, hehe), but people are really missing out by neglecting book blogs!!! I like how the community is kinda small, so almost every creator goes out of their way to reply to their comments and comment on other blogs 🥺
    Also, thank you so much for mentioning me for my discussions!! I honestly never expected people to like my discussions, so it always makes me super honored when someone tells me they do 💗💗 I actually feel bad that I haven’t posted a proper discussion in a while, and I’m excited to change that fact soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yess, also between the different facets of the book community I just feel like bloggers are the nicest? Book twitter obviously can’t even hold a candle to book blogs (it’s a cesspool of bad opinions over there), and though bookstagram is nice I feel like people are more genuine on blogs.

      Caitlin, I would mention you for every category if I could! I absolutely adore you and your blog 💕💕 And I saw your most recent discussion post and am hellaaa curious/excited to read it!! I will finally see what can make The Queen of 3-star ratings™ give a book 5 stars 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Charis!! Aah, I love this community so much, it’s definitely the best place ever to find people to rant with about the books you love!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. This post is absolutely amazing!! Yes to all of it.💖Even if I didn’t have a book blog, I would still want to know about book blogs and read them, if just for the recommendations!! As a reader before blogging, I read books based on what looked good at the library, and while I still love to do this sometimes, having recommendations based on my interests is amazing. I just love the book blogging community so much!! Interacting with other people who share the same passion for reading is amazing.🥺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was the same way! I would take out whatever random books struck my fancy at the library, and while it was fine, I love having more specific recommendations through bloggers. It helps me read a wider genre of books and I tend to like more of them! Aah, yes! Boggers are all so nice and interacting always makes me so happy 😊🥰

      Liked by 1 person

    1. They’re both amazing bloggers! Everyone here is so talented and nice, and I love how people are so supportive and are always sharing different bloggers posts which just helps make the community more interconnected 😄

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    1. Exactly! I can’t imagine what it’d be like to just post things and not read anyone else’s blog. 90% of the fun is seeing what other people are writing about!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Thank you SO much for featuring my blog! Means a lot😊 This is such a lovely blog post idea! I think I’ll have to do something like this, highlighting other amazing book bloggers, as soon as I’m out of my blogging slump 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I adore the recommendations I get from your blog Amy! I’ve discovered so many favorite books and authors because of you, and you’re always championing diverse recs! This was also a really fun post to write, I’m so happy to be a part of such a wonderful community 😄


    1. Thank you for writing such wonderful posts! Yayy, I hope you love their blogs as much as I do!


  14. There’s tons of books I’d never read just based on the cover and blurb, but I pick them up because of book blogger recommendations. So I agree they supply the best books. Sometimes the hype builds the book up too much but I still find those worth reading because it’s fasc to know what’s popular. ♥️ I also love many of these bloggers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! I think I appreciate blogger recommendations a lot more, because if I liked a book that they recommended I can always go back and let them know that I did and then we can discuss it even more!

      Liked by 1 person

  15. I love this post! You’re so right about book bloggers giving better reasons to read a book than Reese Witherspoon 😂 I think bloggers do genuinely want to connect to people, rather than just trying to get tons of clicks on a fancy looking list or whatever. Which is evidenced by all the interaction!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! 💕 Yeah! Blogging has a lot more of a community feel to it, where people actually want to talk to people about the books they recommend and find out what people’s thoughts on the books were. I feel like the big lists just like…telling people to read things? Which is also totally fine, but I much prefer getting recommendations through bloggers 😄


  16. Ahh I love this post so, so much ❤ Reading book blogs is one of these wonderful habits I'm proud to have picked up on ever since I started blogging. I just love the community, the thoughtful discussions and incredible recommandations I can get on book blogs and… well, I hope that people who don't actually own book blogs, or any kind of blogs for that matter, will turn to THIS post and then read amazing blogs, too. ❤
    Thank you so much for mentioning my blog as well ahh you're so sweet ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Marie!! There’s so much to enjoy about reading book blogs, and though I wouldn’t have discovered them if I didn’t start blogging myself, I think I would definitely read blogs if I wasn’t putting any content of my own out there. People use blogs to express their creativity and from my experience, everyone is so genuinely nice 🥰

      Aaah, of course! I love reading the books you recommend, I actually just got Verona Comics from my library and I can’t wait to read it!

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  17. Hi Chana! I actually just discovered your blog through this post and I am very happy that I did because this post was just so enjoyable to read. 💗 What I love about blogging and reading book blogs is interacting with people and discussing topics amd books. Discovering new blogs is also my fav. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hiiii! Yayyy, I’m so happy you enjoyed this post 💕💕 Yes! Interacting is also my favorite part about blogging, I love having conversations with people about books and characters they love! And discovering great new blogs is also really fun. That’s one of the reasons why I love tags and posts where people link to other blogs 😄

      Liked by 2 people

  18. hi i just came across your blog and i love this post so so much!!! book blogging has been such an amazing experience for me for all the same reasons. i feel like being recommended a book for personal reasons is actually more convincing than when “mainstream” plateforms do so? idk i feel more inclined to actually acquire and read the book.
    the book blogging community is also such a beautiful one, some of my faves are May @ Forever and Everly, Fadwa @ Word Wonders (wordwoonders.wordpress.com), Rhi @ Marshmallow Harmonies (marshmallowharmonies.wordpress.com), and Saoudia @ With Love, Saoudia (withlovesaoudia.wordpress.com)!
    amazing post!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! 💕💕 Yes exactly!! When people recommend a book and are genuinely excited about it, it makes me so happy and also makes me excited for the book too 😄 Ooh, I have to check out Fadwa and Saodia’s blogs, thank you for sharing them!!

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  19. I completely agree I have have seen drizzle and hurricane and May’s blog….I can’t wait to see the others….I am 12 and many bloggers give ya and adult book reviews so it is quite difficult to find books I can read….but I do love interacting with fellow bloggers….my favourite are discussion posts ! I too have a book blog an make it a point to reply to every comment !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They’re both amazing bloggers! There are some great middle-grade focused bloggers out there too that I’d recommend! Mandy and Sha @ Book Princess Reviews, review and talk about lots of middle-grade books as well as YA ones. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction also focuses on middle-grade more! (https://bookprincessreviews.wordpress.com/ and https://feedyourfictionaddiction.com/).

      Discussion posts are so fun! I love being able to just put my thoughts out there and have fun discussions with people 😄


  20. Really great post. Every book lover should also be reading book blogs! I am kind of a newbie to blog reading but I have already found it so rewarding. Felt like I was missing out on this for so long. It’s amazing to connect with other book bloggers who share your passion for books and read their thoughts.
    This is a habit I have recently picked up but now I know I am not going to let go of. Thanks for this amazing article!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 💕 Yesss, I’m so happy that you love reading book blogs! They’re so enjoyable and I also love connecting with other bloggers and getting so many wonderful book recommendations!


    1. Thank you!! Yes definitely! I learn so much by reading other people’s blogs, even if it’s just seeing how people’s opinions and outlooks on things can be totally different!


  21. this came up on my twitter timeline and — APPARENTLY I NEVER COMMENTED?? i am so mad at my past self because i remember reading this post and loving it, please take this late comment as an apology 😭 but i adore this post so much!! i think you know why i love it, considering the events of the past few days on twitter, but i truly do adore book blogs for so many of the reasons you listed! book recs is definitely a HUGE one and i genuinely love reading others’ book lists so much (i’m so honored you mentioned me for good book recs 🥺🥺 i also think book bloggers can be super creative, as well as writing such super insightful discussions as you said. i guess i also treat bloggers the way some people treat booktubers — i’ll read anything one blogger writes if i really love them!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aah thank you so much!! 😭🥰 I’m so happy you liked this post! fdaffddaf twitter the last few days has been something else really (i mean it kind of always is a garbage fire, but sometimes the fire burns a littttle bit brighter). Bloggers are so consistently underappreciated, and it’s a shame because they put out such good content!! You give the best book recs, and you put so many other books on my radar that I will be eternally grateful for! Hopefully one day more people will realize that blogs are just as good (dare I say, better?) as any other part of the book community 💕💕

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