Pretty Books That I Don’t Know the Plot Of

It is a very well known fact that I, among most of the book community, judge books by their covers. And in a time when so much work and thought is put into the design of a cover, why shouldn’t we!

Looking up and down the shelves at the bookstore like

I wish I had the ability to look at a cover and analyze why the cover designers decided to put certain elements there. But alas. All I am capable of thinking is, ooh pretty!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I don’t usually read the synopsis of books. Generally, I do this to avoid being spoiled, but I also really like judging a book ~ solely ~ on its cover. Does this practice work out for me in terms of successfully acquiring good reads? Not always. But what kind of system has a 100% rate of efficiency? Almost none! To illustrate my (almost) foolproof practice I’ve decided to list some books that I’ve read only based on the cover, and some books I plan on reading, only based on the cover. All covers are linked to Goodreads, so if you’re one of those people that are interested in synopses, you can click on the cover to get more info.

…to defeat the hunsss

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So as pretty as the dust jacket of the book is, I believe that the true beauty lies within. I have to admit that every time I’m in a bookstore before I even consider spending money on a book, I always check what lies beneath the dust jacket. Because, sure, maybe I was going to buy the book anyway. But if it’s also pretty under the jacket, then I’m even more excited to buy it!

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I mean just look at that! I love the intricate engraving like designs. It’s so elegant and lovely and shiny!






Aaah, this whole series has B E A U T I F U L covers!! There are of course the illustrated covers for COBAB and COVAV, and then there are the gorgeous exclusive editions! What I love about the original covers for COBAB and COVAV is how badass Zelie looks on the cover. And of course, we love real diverse representation on covers.




Am I slightly obsessed with illustrated covers? Yes, absolutely. I’m currently in the middle of this book, and it’s really good! I love flipping back to the front of the book every now and then so that I can gaze upon the pretty cover. As can be seen, by the previous book and the ones upcoming, I love illustrated badass females on covers. What stood out specifically about this one was the gold overlay and intricate details in Guinevere’s cape.


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Over here I think that we really just have to credit all of Charlie Bowater’s cover designs. Every cover that she’s designed is so pretty. I can just stare at them forever. I like this art style very much, it feels sort of flowy? And I also like how the main character’s face acts as a focal point for both covers.

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What’s this? Another illustrated cover? I love how the figures on the cover are sort of graffitied onto the background, the imagery is really cool. I’m also really excited for this book in general since I love historical fiction!


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LOOK AT THAT HAIR! It was the first thing that caught my attention about the cover, but the entire cover is just all-around gorgeous. But, yes. The beautiful flowy underwater hair as a concept is 😍😍




We all know about the book snake that has been occupying the covers of all our favorite books the past few months, but The Midnight Lie does not have one book snake. No! It has two! I also love the lettering on this cover and the rest of the watercolor-y sketchy art style.

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footerWhat are some cover buys that you made recently? Are there any upcoming releases that you’re excited about solely because of their covers?

29 thoughts on “Pretty Books That I Don’t Know the Plot Of

  1. Ahh yes I’m definitely getting excited about some books just because of their covers hahaha, though I try to pay attention to the synopsis afterwards a little bit, I wouldn’t want to add a book to my TBR then buy it and then wonder… why I bought something I’m not interested in haha. I LOVE the cover of Song Below Water though AND this book sounds so good! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aaah, doesn’t it look awesome?? The cover is such a good combination of dramatic and regal 😍😍When I request things on Netgalley I tend to pay more attention to the plot than usual since I know I’m going to have to review it, but when I’m browsing the library it’s pure cover picks.

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  2. I have definitely picked up a few books solely because of the cover, but I do read the synopsis first to make sure it sounds up my alley. I hear you on spoilers though! Thankfully, I have a TERRIBLE memory and by the time I pick up a book I forgot what it’s about.

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    1. Hahaha, this has actually happened to me before! I’ll have someone recommend a book to me, tell me the plot in detail, and then I’ll be totally shocked when something *I knew* was going to happen ends up happening. Usually, if I do unfortunately end up getting spoiled, I still read the book, since I think it is all about delivery at the end of the day.


    1. 😂😂 Maybe we should start a Cover Buy Anonymous group for all of us that can’t resist those pretty covers. I don’t think it would help much though, because I know that no matter what, I can’t resist anything that’s *shiny* 😅

      I swear, I saw someone post a picture of The Binding on Instagram, and I immediately ordered it from Book Depository. I didn’t even know how pretty the HB was, so that was a pleasant surprise!

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    1. Books about books are *the best thing ever*!! What I loved about The Binding was that I bought it for aesthetic (because omg so pretty, how could I not), but then I really enjoyed the story too! It’s about a world where people can “bind” away their memories in books, and it follows a boy who has recently been apprenticed to a binder. So maybe that can be another incentive to getting The Binding, it’s pretty AND it has a good plot! 😂

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  3. That Raiponce gif 😂😂 I can’t stop looking at it, so nicely put and accurate ahaha
    I do agree all of thoses are so pretty !, and im also kinda dissapointed when I check under the dust jacket ant it’s just plain.. you know im gonna remove it !! So make it pretty too !!! 😨

    I however base my choice on the synopsis rather than the cover alone.. aha 😅

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    1. Yess, I saw that gif and was like *this is the one* 😂😂 And literally every time I’m in a bookstore I take off the dust jacket! If there’s something pretty under it, it completely changes everything! I really need to start being more selective with the books I choose to read because I have been burnt because of cover buys. And then sometimes there are books with super ugly covers that are actually quite good!

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      1. Ugly covers tend to drive me away more too (but not good ones.. how wierd xd) — although I know that’s so true .. i just *aherm* can’t do it xd unless it’s on kindle- then that could work as I don’t need to stare at it ahah

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  4. These are definitely some gorgeous covers! The Binding, especially. It’s always a plus when a book is gilded or decorated in some small way underneath the pretty dust jacket. Like a small, more-than-welcome surprise haha. The Midnight Lie recently caught my attention in the store the other day. I just love the coloring and the font! The premise didn’t sound too bad either! 😉

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    1. Embossed covers will be the *death* of me! Every time I see a book that’s pretty under the cover I end up having a whole internal struggle over whether to buy it or not 😂 The coloring of The Midnight Lie is super nice! I’ll have to look up the premise though 😅

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      1. Ugh embossed covers are like a book lover’s crack LOL. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. Hahah, I love how the premise is still unknown to you XD Highly recommend taking a look at the synopsis. It sounds like it might be a great read! The reviews are pretty positive right now too!


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