February Reading Wrap Up

February is now over! And we’ve succeeded with our plan for being more chill with blogging for another month! We posted and commented when we had the time, and so far we’ve kept blogging stress free! Plus we both read some great books this month, so that’s very exciting news as well! Next month will be the real test though, when March Midterm Madness strikes. But you’ll hear all about how that turns out in a month or so. For now, here’s everything you could want to know (and more) about our reading, blogging, and life in general this past month.

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That happened in February

(Side note: As per usual, all covers link to Goodreads.)

Books Read:


This was quite the month for me. I read only 4 books this month, and only because I finished The Game Plan a few days ago. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been so busy or if it’s that I’m in a bit of a slump, but I just did not read. Hopefully, the problem, whatever it is, magically clears up and I have a fantastic reading month in March.

The good news is that I really liked all the books I read this month! What I Carry is probably my favorite. I’ve mentioned it before in our Ultimate Recommendations Tag, but it follows a girl who is about to age out of the foster care system and provides such a nuanced look into foster care and adoption. I want everyone to read it! Just look at that cover! How can you say no? Lord of Scoundrels was also such a great read. I love romances where the heroine doesn’t accept any nonsense and refuses to let her love interest acting like a child or unnecessary miscommunication get in the way. I had so much fun reading that book, and the development of this couple’s relationship was quite possibly the best I’ve ever read. On the other hand, The Game Plan disappointed me a bit. I was loving the first 70% of it, and then useless conflict and drama and uncharacteristic behavior made my enjoyment of this book sink a whole lot. But on the whole, a really good reading month enjoyment-wise.

Five Stars:

What I Carry Lord of Scoundrels

Four Stars:

10 Blind Dates

Three Stars: 

The Game Plan


My reading goal for February to catch up to my reading challenge enough just to make sure that I wasn’t behind on it. Unfortunately, I’ve failed on that front. But I’m less behind than I was at the of last month! Only 5 books behind now! I read 16 books this month and so many of them were highly rated! As time goes on I can clearly see that I’ve become more lenient with my ratings, and I’m happy about that.

Five Stars: 

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Four Stars: 

41550990. sy475 45046743 45449555. sy475  45294613 32505753. sy475

Three Stars: 

23716100. sy475 43568394 25533896

Two Stars:

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 Books Acquired:


I’ve been feeling super slumpy and uninterested in the books I own recently, so I decided to buy myself something new that I was excited about. I walked into Barnes & Noble, and was immediately drawn to this book. I’ve heard great things, I love the cover, and it felt like the perfect book to follow What I Carry, since it deals with adoption. I’m hoping that I have time to read it really soon!


The How and the Why


This month I bought one series that my library doesn’t carry, and I got two books from Book of the Month. A few months ago I signed up for Book of the Month just to try it out for a bit. And after having it for 2 months I realized that I would probably like Book of the Month YA better, so I switched to that. AND NOW. Book of the Month YA is being canceled! So. I guess for the one month that I had it it was great.

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Things We Did:

We started an IRL book club in the beginning of the month! A bunch of our friends, family, and friends of friends joined and so far it’s been a lot of fun! To decide what our first read would be we all pitched a book, and then proceeded to have several intense rounds of voting. In the end we’re reading Dear Edward, and if any of you are interested in participating in the book club, let us know and we’ll start talking about it more on the blog!

fight me maude garrett GIF by Alpha

Posts We Loved:

Cam @ Camillea Reads wrote a terrific post about creating a healthy blogging mindset.

Nyx @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books discussed the highly relatable topic of why books matter to her.

May @ Forever & Everly gave book recommendationsto read while you’re feeling sad.

Kelly @ Another Book in the Wall gave some great recommendations for post ideas when you haven’t read anything in a while.

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 How was the shortest month of the year for you? Did you get lots of reading done? What was the best book you read?

34 thoughts on “February Reading Wrap Up

    1. I know!! When I was writing the wrap-up I was kind of taken aback by how many 5 star reads I had 😅 I am pretty happy about it though, hopefully I’ll have the same luck in March!

      Thank you! Hope you have a fantastic March! Reading-wise and otherwise! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  1. 10 Blind Dates & Only Mostly Devastated sound so good so I can’t wait to read these two! & also that many 5 star reads in one month is fab!! My Feb was pretty good for me too – only read 5 books but my lowest rating was a 4 star which was nice!
    Starting a book club also sounds so much fun! Hope you continue enjoying that, and hope March is a great month for you both💛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yaaas, high rated months are the best!! Only Mostly Devastated is so cute!! I hope you enjoy it!

      Starting a book club has been so fun so far. We started with just a few friends, and then suddenly a bunch more people wanted to join which was really exciting! Thank you Emme!! 💕💕I hope you have a fantastic March!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The Posts We Loved section is so awesome! Trying to find a balance between blogging too much and not blogging enough is a real struggle.
    Starting a bookclub sounds great, I keep meaning to go to the one local one I found, but they never pick books that sound fun to me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s one of my favorite sections to write in the wrap up! Whenever I find a post I love, I immediately add it to the list before I forget!

      And balance is definitely key. In previous semesters we were pretty much all or nothing, so this semester’s approach is way more manageable!

      I used to be part of my library’s book club in middle school, but it’s been a while! Part of the fun of creating our own book club means that we get to pick the books that interest us the most! I don’t think I’d enjoy it either, if I didn’t have that ability!


    1. Yup! It’s made blogging a lot more manageable and enjoyable for us as the semester has gotten busier! It’s a shame we didn’t adopt this attitude earlier! And February really was a pretty great reading month for us both. Hopefully the trend continues through March!


  3. i’m very much hyped for turtle under ice!! most of all because that cover spEAKS to me on a personal level and i just very much indeed feel something gooey inside when i look at it?? it’s like a siren calling me. i also made it a reading goal of mine to read one (1) a.s. king book this year and i’m between dig and still life with tornado as my first experience with her so this definitely makes me excited!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Turtle Under Ice was so good!! I picked it up randomly and I was so surprised at how good it was! I also picked it up completely because of the cover, because it’s so cool 😁

      Dig literally *blew my mind*!! It was insane! I haven’t read Still Life with Tornado yet, so I don’t have any opinions on that, but I’d recommend Dig 10000000%. I hope you have a great March!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. yES! that’s so great! i love it when i’m positively surprised. lol that cover is a total show-stopper and scene-stealer for sure

        yay! insane and blew my mind sound a-m-a-z-i-n-g to my ears. i’ll definitely take those compliments into consideration when i finally decide which one is My First A.S. King Book lmao. thank you!! i hope you have a wonderful march as well ❤

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course! I loved it and found it extremely relatable, so I just had to share it! I was also going to share 5 Literary Tropes That Bore Me, but we like keeping the Posts We Loved section short, so I didn’t in the end. But I really enjoyed that one as well!

      I just got back into reading historical romances a few months ago. Tessa Dare is pretty great! I hope you enjoy her works! And if you ever want a historical romance recommendation, I’ve read quite a few good ones recently!


  4. Nice wrap-up! I only managed to read one book last month, though. But I enjoyed it because it’s a reread of my faves! Thank you for also recommending blog posts from other book bloggers. I’d love to check out more blogs! And good luck with your studies and upcoming midterm ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Re-reads are the best! I’m shocked that I’m already 2 full months into 2020 without having reread anything yet!

      I love adding posts I come across throughout the month to the Posts We Loved section! I’m so happy to hear that you checked them out!

      Thank you! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m glad you guys had good reading months – and your book club sounds super duper fun!
    There were heaps of five star reads which is awesome, and thank you for sharing those, posts, they are super cool!
    I hope March treats you both well, and that Midterms go well ❤
    – Emma 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve gotten a lot looser with my ratings recently, but it always brings me joy to rate a book 5 stars! Aaah, fingers crossed for Midterms 🤞🤞 I feel like I’m prepping for a huge oncoming storm 😅

      Thank you!! ❤❤ I hope you have a wonderful March as well!!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. thank you so much for linking to my posts, guys!! it means a lot to me ❤ and i'm so happy you loved jade city and sadie so much, chana! they're amazing books and i loved them So much when i read them. and starting an irl book club sounds so fun! i'm glad it's going well for you guys. i hope march treats you both well!! 💓

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your post was so good May, I always love reading your blog! Aah, I’m still not over Jade City or Sadie! At least for Jade City I know that there’s a second one, but for Sadie it’s just like an eternal hangover 😪

      Thank you May!! I hope you have a great March!! ❤❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It feels so much better to not stress about it so much! Though we have been a litttle bit behind on blog hopping and posting recently, but I’ve been trying to not worry about it too much 😅 Thank you!! So far it’s been really fun. I hope that you’re having a great March, Nicole!


  7. I read 10 Blind Dates around Christmas break and really liked it, so I’m glad you enjoyed it, too. Congrats on starting an IRL book club — that’s really awesome! Real book clubs are honestly a bit of a lost art, which is sad. I hope you both have an amazing March!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I saw everyone reading it and talking about how cute it was towards the end of 2019, so when I was in the mood of something light and fun I picked it up and it didn’t disappoint!

      Thanks! It’s been fun so far, but we haven’t met up yet to actually discuss the book, so I’m looking forward to that! I was part of an IRL book club in middle school and had a great time, but it’s been quite a few years since I’ve had the in person book club experience!

      Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful March as well!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I always admire just how much you both can read in a month, this is INCREDIBLE. ❤
    I'm so happy you liked What I Carry, this book is on my TBR and it sounds so damn good, I can't wait to read it. Also, YAY FOR READING IF I'M BEING HONEST I will always hype up that book haha 🙂
    I hope you'll have a lovely March ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m always in awe of how much Chana can read in a month! And while I normally would be disappointed in myself for only reading 4 books, with school so crazy right now, I’m actually kind of proud of myself for making time to read at all!

      What I Carry was fantastic! I’m so excited that it’s already on your TBR! I love it when people read underhyped books that I’ve already read, and I look forward to hearing what you thought about it!

      I hope you have a lovely March as well! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Amazing wrap-up! I’ve been in a little bit of a book slump the last week so I haven’t picked up much. Though Only Mostly Devastated is on my TBR for this month and I really want to get to Ink in the Blood at some point. I hope your book club goes amazing! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. That’s great that you started a book club! I’ve been on the hunt to join one but during this pandemic, they’re harder to find (I mean, I wonder why 😂). Maybe I’ll find a good virtual one to join! Anyhoo, hope you ladies are safe and had a better reading month.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Starting a book club was so fun!! Unfortunately, it’s sort of derailed since the whole COVID-19 situation started, but hopefully, we’ll get it back on track soon 😅 I just recently saw a really cool virtual book club on clairefyblog.com! I didn’t see what the first-month pick ended up being, but the options all looked great!

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