Newbie Book Blogger Tag

Chana      Malka

Anndd…we are OFFICIALLY live!! For our first (official) post, we’ve got an (official) Newbie Book Blogger Tag from Dani’s Bookshelf So without further ado…. 

Why did you start this blog?

Probably because I’m a person who likes to make my opinions heard. Also I love reading and being able to be part of a community where people post, and share, and write about books seems like a dream come true.

I second what Chana said. But I also think this will help me interact with bookish parts of the community I already love. In the past I’ve  usually been more of a lurker when reading blogs or watching BookTube and I think that having this blog to hide behind a bit will help me to interact more with other bookish enthusiasts. Lurker is too weak a word, this girl is on Instagram every day but has a grand total of zero posts.

What are some fun and unique things you can bring to book blogging?

I’m going to go full frontal here, and let you guys know that I don’t know much about book blogging, or blogging in general. Malka is the resident expert on this blog. Because of that I can’t really say what I’ll bring  that’s going to be new, but I’ll definitely try my best to make fun entertaining posts that everyone can enjoy.

Chana is going to bring the humor, fun, and creativity. She’s just being unusually modest. I think I’m going to bring lots of passion in the form of rants and gushes. I have lots to say and plan on expressing all those feelings right here.

What are you most excited for about this new blog?

PICTURES! I’m so excited to take pretty pictures of books. And to talk with others about fun books. Or to complain about bad ones. I’m just a big ball of excitement in general.

Yes! THE INSTAGRAM! I also think that I’m going to love starting a discussion and responding to the comments. Thinking of those future  interactions makes me super excited.

Why do you love reading?

I love reading for a lot of reasons. One of which is that it’s a super easy way to do fun things without moving from one spot. Also all that ‘takes you to new worlds’ cliche stuff.

I use reading to de-stress and relax. That’s why I usually read lighter and fluffier books. I also love the random and useless facts that I collect while reading. It makes me feel educated during my downtime. *Edumacated **Edjumacated

What book or series got you into reading?

No specific series got me into reading, I sort of loved reading as soon as I was able to. I do remember that the first book I read was The Wizard of Oz, and I thought it was so cool how it was different from the movie.

I have all the cliche answers. I remember reading Roald Dahl books. Matilda, The BFG, The Witches. I also read The Boxcar Children series. But the series that got me full on the reading train was the Harry Potter series. Me and my oldest friend bonded over that series and that led to discussions about books in general and I’ve been reading voraciously ever since. 10 years ago this year. It’s crazy!

What questions would you ask your favorite authors?

 I can never think of anything to ask my favorite authors (no matter how many times I’ve thought about it), and if a meeting occurs the only question that will probably be asked is “How’s your day going?” or “Does your hand hurt after writing so many autographs?”.

I am absolutely terrible at asking my favorite authors things. I usually end up asking specific questions about one of the author’s books that I planned ahead of time. Otherwise I just flail when I meet the author. I’m quite proud of how I actually managed to ask Rainbow Rowell, Maggie Stiefvater, AND Marissa Meyer questions about their books.

What challenges do you think starting a book blog will be the hardest to overcome?

I think the hardest challenge will be to keep up with the posts. With all the school work that is sure to come next semester I’m a little bit terrified. But it’s ok, we named our blog Paper Procrastinators for a reason. Avoiding work and writing on the blog is sure to become a regular pastime for me.

Besides for what Chana said, I worry about running out of ideas and having nothing to post. My only consolation is that two heads are better than one, so hopefully together we manage to keep on thinking of fun new posts.

When did you start reading?

Around the ages of 5 or 6. Can’t remember completely since this was many moons ago.

I have not a clue. I don’t think I was an especially early reader. All I know is that by the time I was 8, that’s all I would do.

Where do you read?

I mentioned this in our first interview post, but literally anywhere. I do prefer to read on the floor, stretched out across the hallway, or right at the foot of the couch.

BED! Or comfy arm chairs. Again, this is all in the first post, but I need to be comfortable to get my relaxing reading in.

What kinds of books do you like to read?

Well I would read any books, but I’m a sucker for anti-heros and twisted endings. I also love me a classic fantasy read.

Anything with a cute fluffy romance will catch my eye. Those are my go to books. But if that’s half of what I read the other half is super varied. I pick up books based on intriguing synopses, so I will read non-fiction, fantasy, graphic novels, you name it, as long as I think the premise is one I’d enjoy.

And there goes our first post! We’re so excited to have officially started the blogging journey. Future posts will now be coming to you every Sunday and Wednesday, but following may be an easier way to keep track 😉

We’d love to get to know you guys as well, so be sure to say Hi in the comments. See you Wednesday!

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