The Spring Cleaning Book Tag

Today we’re coming a bit late with the Spring Cleaning Book Tag! Michelle @ Chelle’s Book Ramblings tagged us while it was still spring.  We’re just getting to it now, and even though it’s already summer now, I feel like it’s okay since June spans both seasons. Plus the weather only just began to get nice! This tag was originally created by Jen @ BookSyrup and is a really creative take on the spring cleaning phenomenon. As always, all covers link to Goodreads!

1. The struggle of getting started: a book/book series that you have struggled to begin because of its size.

Malka: I want to read Priory of the Orange Tree at some point, but I need a solid week to read that book, and I don’t have that time right now! YAY for summer classes!

The Priory of the Orange Tree

Chana: The Throne of Glass series terrifies me. The scariest part about it is that it starts small, and you’re like, OK, I can do 400 pages. And then BOOM. Seven books later Kingdom of Ash comes at you with a rounded 1000 pages. Needless to say, I have not continued the series past the first book partly because of this.


2. Cleaning out the closet: a book and/or book series you want to unhaul.

Malka: I actually have a stack of books that I plan on unhauling. One of the books in the pile is Because You Love to Hate Me. I finally read that book this year, but I really didn’t enjoy it, so I’m getting rid of it despite the pretty cover.

Because You Love to Hate Me

Chana: I unhauled a whole bunch of books about two months ago, and I’m so proud of myself for that! I’m a bit of a hoarder though, so at this point everything that I have you’ll have to pry out of my cold, dead hands.

3. Opening windows and letting fresh air in: a book that was refreshing.

Malka: The Afterlife of Holly Chase. That books is super underrated. It’s really funny and I as soon as I saw this book, scrolling through Goodreads, I knew it was the perfect refreshing read!

The Afterlife of Holly Chase

Chana: A Lite too Bright! I know what you’re thinking, hasn’t Chana already spoken about this book in a tag before? Yes. But I will again because I love it. It was such a refreshing book, and it was nothing like I expected and took me totally by surprise.

A Light Too Bright

4. Washing out sheet stains: a book you wish you could rewrite a certain scene in.

Malka: A Quiet Kind of Thunder. I really love that book, but there was one awkward scene that I distinctly remember not loving. I still highly recommend that you pick this book up though, because everything else about this book is fantastic!

a quiet kind of thunder

Chana: Hmmm, I don’t know if I can say that I’d like to rewrite a scene since my writing is probably subpar at best, but I definitely wish the end of Wicked Saints could be rewritten. I really enjoyed the book up to that point, and then at the endish, I just got suuuper confused.

Wicked Saints

5. Throwing out unnecessary knick-knacks: a book in a series that you didn’t feel was necessary.

Malka: Anything after The False Prince. That book was amazing and I ignore the fact that there are two more books in the trilogy. To me, there is no trilogy. There is only the perfection of The False Prince, a standalone.

The False Prince

Chana: I absolutely loved the Rangers Apprentice series, but then book number twelve reared its ugly head AND RUINED EVERYTHING. I’m sorry if you enjoyed it, and are maybe possibly enjoying the spin-off series, The Royal Ranger, but for me that book is heresy, and never happened.


6. Polishing the doorknobs: a book that had a clean finish.

Malka: I generally dislike most series endings but I’m going to go with one of my favorite middle-grade series, Sisters Grimm. I don’t care how old you are, go read this series now please and thank you! It’s a nine book series, but before that scares you off, they are a super small size and have pictures in them! It’s probably the equivalent of a four book YA series. Anywho, even though there are 9 books, it ends so well and the epilogue is one of my favorites of ever!


Chana: Watch out, Chana’s about to mention a book that she’s mentioned 10 billion times before. But. Where I End and You Begin, had such a great ending!!! Honestly, this book has my heart, and I haven’t spoken to anyone else who’s read it yet, so there’s a huge possibility that everyone else in the world doesn’t like it, but *shrugs* I really enjoyed it, and ya’ll should read it so that we can discuss.


7. Reaching to dust the fan: a book that tried too hard to relay a certain message.

Malka: I’m gonna go with Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating. I think it overemphasized how quirky Hazel was. I know that a lot of people enjoyed that aspect, but it was a bit too much for me!

Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating

Chana: So. I know that a lot of people enjoyed this book, but for me I felt like The Disasters tried too hard to relay the fact that the main character Nax was pansexual. The book seemed to try to form wisps of romantic relationships between Nax and every other member of his crew. Which isn’t even like a love triangle. It’s a love pentagon, and from someone who doesn’t like love triangles, it was a bit much.


8. The tiring yet satisfying finish of spring cleaning: a book series that was tiring yet satisfying to get through.

Malka: Vampire Academy was a six book series that I followed up with the six book companion series, Bloodlines. It’s one of the few examples of a series AND a companion series that I managed to finish! And though it may have taken a while, I really enjoyed both series and I stand by the Vampire Academy movie as well!

Vampire Academy

Chana: So it took me quite a long time to finish The Raven Boys series, partly because of issues with my holds in the library. Did I start reading book three before book two because of this? Yes. Was I immensely confused and had to go back? Also yes. Because of that mess, it was a bit tiring to get through the whole series, but it had such a satisfying ending it was all worth it.


9. Looking forward to next spring: Tag 4 people you want to do this tag.

Alys@ Alys in Bookland

 Emma @ A Few Chapters ‘Til Love

 Nimika @ wordhaven

 Charlotte @ Bewitching Books, Ravenous Reads

We know spring is over, but we’d love for you to do this tag if you’re interested! The questions are listed down below for you!

The Questions

1. The struggle of getting started: a book/book series that you have struggled to begin because of its size.

2. Cleaning out the closet: a book and/or book series you want to unhaul.

3. Opening windows and letting fresh air in: a book that was refreshing.

4. Washing out sheet stains: a book you wish you could rewrite a certain scene in.

5. Throwing out unnecessary knick-knacks: a book in a series that you didn’t feel was necessary.

6. Polishing the doorknobs: a book that had a clean finish.

7. Reaching to dust the fan: a book that tried too hard to relay a certain message.

8. The tiring yet satisfying finish of spring cleaning: a book series that was tiring yet satisfying to get through.

9. Looking forward to next spring: tag 4 people you want to do this tag.

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What’s the weather like by you? Did you do any spring cleaning? Can you think of a refreshing book that you read? Which book do you think tried too hard to relay a message?

28 thoughts on “The Spring Cleaning Book Tag

  1. I loved reading your answers to this tag so much! like wow you guys are severely underrated and that fact really needs to change! ugh, I agree about priory! why oh why didn’t I start it during the summer when I probably could’ve knocked it out in four days if I really tried?? also, I agree about Because You Love to Hate Me. I read it last year, and it was pretty mediocre. it had a few gems, but it was pretty meh. great tag :))

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! That’s so sweet of you! 💕 It’s summer for me now, but it’s not yet vacation because of the class I’m taking through July. Hopefully August will be my month of all the reads, big and small! And I liked about two or three stories in Because You Love to Hate Me, but I was meh about most and REALLY disliked a few others, so it’s not worth keeping around. Thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I loved your answers—it’s never late for spring cleaning! I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you’ll have the time to get around to reading Priory. I picked it up and it took me 3 weeks (almost) to finish it, mostly because I was busy with work and other readings, but I adored it! I hope it’s worth it for you 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for the tag (: I’ll get it posted soon. And the weather is hot where I am – too hot tbh. I have no idea why it always gets humid instead of just being a nice pleasant sort of warm temperature :L I really want to read The Afterlife Of Holly Chase and The Raven Boys sometime. I also love the sound of Wicked Saints so it’s kind of worrying that the end wasn’t great /: I’m going to look up Sisters Grimm a bit later because I’m on the look out for fairytale based fiction and the name sounds like it could be? And I’m hopefully reading Bloodlines soon too as I never read the series back when I read VA for some reason (I honestly don’t know why as I loved that series).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you have fun doing it! Yeah, it’s starting to get hotter here, and I’m kind of annoyed that the entirety of spring was just filled with rain instead of that beautiful in between weather!

      I definitely recommend The Afterlife of Holly Chase AND The Raven Boys, although they’re very different reads! And Sisters Grimm is definitely fairy tale based! It’a bout sisters that move to a town where fairy tale characters live! And Bloodlines is really good! I love the characters that it focuses on!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, I’m sure I will (: Yes I can definitely understand that. It’s been like that where I am; rain – with like the odd sunny day – and now a heatwave -_- I feel like I can be irritated with the heat quite fairly too as I wasn’t complaining that it was cold like a lot of people a few weeks back :L

        I look forward to both of them 😀 they have been on my TBR for a while. Maybe I’ll go for Afterlife around Christmas :L Oooh that sounds intriguing. I loved Once Upon A Time and that was set in a town that sounds a little bit like that. Oh yes, I know it focuses on Aiden and I love, love, love him!! So i can’t wait.

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  4. Love these answers! ❤️ I hear you about Throne of Glass! I got through the first book but am daunted to read any more? I can’t even imagine not skimming that 1000 page honker. I enjoyed A Quiet Kind of Thunder. I think I know what awkward scene you’re talking about too. But I loved the way the disabilities/mental health were handled.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! And I’m stuck in my reread of Throne of Glass, and even though I’ve already read up to the last book, I’m even daunted upon reread! Not to mention the last book!

      I really enjoyed A Quiet Kind of Thunder as Well! I picked it up because I wanted to read a book with selective mutism and Deaf rep in it, and I it definitely delivered! That’s why I still recommend it despite that one awkward scene!

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  5. Ahh this is such a fun and nice tag!! It’s winter for me right now haha, but it doesn’t FEEL like winter because it’s unseasonably warm. But oh yeah I get scared off huge intimidating series with massive page-counts too. And I agreeee about Ranger’s Apprentice 😫 some series are better left FINISHED. Also I need to read Wicked Saints but everyone seems to say it’s confusing so I’m a bit scared. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeahhh, I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews about Wicked Saints, and I’m honestly mixed about it too? Generally, when I review books I’m not suuuper discerning and I give a pretty good rating unless there was something that seriously irked me, I guess I’m just the eternal optimist of readers 😂 But legit, big books leave me quaking nowadays, especially when I’m thinking about my Goodreads challenge 😂


    1. Yeah, I haven’t seen this tag around as much as some others, but I love the creative questions! And Priory is a brick! It’s so daunting! I don’t remember a time when ToG was a trilogy, so I went it knowing that if I liked it, I’d have quite a few books to read!


  6. I’m totally with you on two things, Chana. I totally wish I could have rewritten the ending to Wicked Saints as well. It felt just so messy and confusing. I also am a bit scared to try for TOG as well. I read the first one earlier this year, but they are just so large to keep going!! D: Wonderful post, ladies!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! 💕💕 Yeah, it’s just a bit disappointing for me, because I really enjoyed the concept of Wicked Saints, and thought it could have gone down waaaay better. And omg, I don’t think I could ever read the TOG series. I read a 700-page book a few weeks ago, and that brought me stress enough, I can’t imagine reading a whole series of them 😅

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      1. Yessssssssssss. I definitely wish there were quite a few things that had been done differently. And ahaha I read the first one and it was honestly not that super bad to go through, but I have a friend that’s been reading the last book for like 2 – 3 months now. XD I’m not eager to move it forward.

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