3 Books on my TBR that are Filing Neglect Claims

I was recently mucking about on my Goodreads (as one does) and I decided to pop in to my Want to Read shelf to see what was going on there. It was then that I noticed, hey, all those posts that I write about my TBR are technically lies because I don’t actually have an organized TBR. My Want to Read shelf is quite near total chaos. And in all honesty, I only go there to check for books to read in the direst of situations.

Usually, I have my “TBR” in my head, or in bookmarked bookstagram pictures or blog posts. This discovery led to the thought, what do I have on my Want to Read shelf? Do I actually want to read any of it? How long ago was it added and does it hate me for neglecting it for so long? To answer all these hard-hitting questions, I decided to take a journey with all of you party people through my absolute wreck of a Want to Read shelf. Since this book is already about Goodreads, all covers will link to the book’s Goodreads page!

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Okay, so why don’t we start with the first book to ever be added to the shelf.

The Lost Kingdom by Michael J. Kirby


This wonderful book was added all the way back in 2015. What’s it about? I, uh, don’t really know. Why did I add it? *shrugs* I cannot for the life of me remember why this title caught my eye. Was it the author? Did somebody recommend it to me? I have absolutely no clue, and I think it may be time for me to remove this from my shelf.

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After that relic, we jump forward to the wonderful year of 2018! The first book I added to the shelf in 2018 was,

Rule by Ellen Goodlett


At this point in time, it’s safe to assume that any book that was added to my shelf was added because of a blogger recommendation or because I saw the book somewhere on Instagram and my primal brain went, Oooh! Pretty! For this book, I’m going to assume that it was a primal brain pulled in by aesthetic sort of add. This is mostly because I only see one review from the bloggers I generally take recommendations from, and it ain’t a positive one.

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Why don’t we end off with a book where I actually know why it was added to the shelf,

The Impossibility of Us, by Katy Upperman


So way back when, when this baby blog just started churning out posts, I decided to write a list of the top 5 books to read in the summer. And when brainstorming for that post, I went on a search for loads of books that take place in the summer. I ended up reading a bunch of them, but a few just stayed on the shelf. This happened to be one of them.

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That’s it for today! There are a bunch of other random books on that shelf though, 76 books in total. Some that I’ve already read, some that I have no plans on reading. Sometime in the future, I’ll hopefully organize it, but that requires work… so it probably won’t happen.


Would you recommend any of these books? What book has been on your TBR forever? Do you put all your TBR books onto Goodreads?

40 thoughts on “3 Books on my TBR that are Filing Neglect Claims

  1. Haha love this! Why did I add this book? I have no idea 😂😂 I am also like this and dread to think what is on my goodreads want to read shelf

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I know I also think where do you have the time 😂😂 between blogging, Instagram, reading being an adulting, sleeping and eating I can’t fit it in 😂😂

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  2. hahaha I had 800 books on my TBR at one time and started to organize them better and clean that shelf off. I’m about half way done and I still commit the crime of adding books I don’t truly want to read (but have been seduced to believe I do by some lovely person!) I haven’t read any of these but if there’s no interest in you now I just dump it. ❤️

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    1. OMG. Dani that’s insane!! I can’t even imagine how I would start to organize 800 books. I’d probably just panic and give up 😂 Yeah, there are so many times when I’m reading a blog and someone really likes a book so I just add it to my shelves without checking to see if I would like it or not.

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  3. My Want To Read shelf on Goodreads is bad bad bad! Over the years, I delete books from it but it keeps stacking up. This year, I went through part of it and deleted over 150 books from it. I still have 779 books 🙈🙈 I need to go through it again. You having 76 books is a major goal 😂
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

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  4. Your Goodreads TBR is so much neater than mine. I have going on 800 books listed there, and this is after a few major cleanups 😂 I don’t even add all the books i want to read on Goodreads because adding them to Goodreads isn’t a guarantee that I’ll get around to it.

    Great post! I can’t recommend any of these books since I haven’t checked any of them out, but I THINK I’ve seen Rule on bookstagram before? The cover is gorgeous!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. In Psychology class, I learned that we judge by appearance first, only later considering other elements. This was with regards to people, but I believe it also applies to books.

        I’m sure we see many more than 800 books a year. These were only the ones that made it onto my Goodreads shelf, and I know I’ve cleaned it up a few times in the past 😂


  5. I’ve only recently been using my Goodreads so I don’t have too many things on there. At one point I was writing down all my recs in the back of my maths book, and I had book recommendations dating over three years, and almost 4 pages of 3 columns each! Yikes!
    -Emma 🙂

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    1. Same! I used to have a note on my notepad app on my phone, where I divided my TBR between books I want to read, borrow, buy, or get from the library. Now I’m a lot less organized, I just see a cover and take it out from the library, occasionally, if the book hasn’t been released yet, I’ll add it to my Goodreads.

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  6. Ahh this is such a fun post, I think if I went back on my goodreads TBR to see what I added back in… maybe 2012 or something, I would be surprised too and/or end up deleting a bunch of books from there, too. It would be nice to clean my shelves a little bit, buttttttt… well, I’m so lazy hahaha.
    I’m SO happy to see The Impossiblity of Us here and I really hope you’ll get around to reading it, I loved this one SO much 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! 💕 Haha, yeah, it’s also funny to see how different my taste in books was way back when. When I first started Goodreads, in 2013 I think, all the books I added or favorited were alll middle grades.

      Yayy! I’m so happy to hear that it’s good! That one’s definitely staying on the shelf, I can’t wait to read it.


  7. Okay but the title of this post is EVERYTHING, I love it so much.😂I actually use my TBR shelf pretty consistently and look at it every time I go to the library, but it’s far from organized and is borderline insanely large…this inspired me to do a little summer cleaning of it soon…great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. TBR shelves are so useful to have!! I’m notoriously indecisive, so even though my shelves on Goodreads aren’t very organized if I’m looking for a book I sometimes look at the shelves of people I follow to find books that they liked to borrow or buy 😂 Thank you!! 💕💕

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  8. I haven’t heard of any of these books so I can’t really be helpful about whether you should keep them or not. But I am someone who is constantly asking herself if the books on her tbr are really books she wants to read. Actually, my goodreads tbr is only comprised of new releases that I want to read because as an ebook reader, all of the books on my tbr are already in my phone’s library. aghhh, it’s just.. posts like these just fill me with the inexplicable feeling that I will never have all the time in the world to read all of the books on my tbr

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aaaah, such stress! Yeah, I generally take out books from the library on my ebook reader. Usually, this is super convenient because then I can just read them whenever, but I tend to go on borrowing frenzies, where I’ll take out 30 books I really want to read at once, and then three weeks will pass by and I’ll have read two 😂


  9. Sometimes a clear out on goodreads is necessary because we are all guilty of randomly adding something and completely forgetting about its existence. I know I’ve probably got similar stories to some of yours and there are a few ‘what even are you’ books on there. Hopefully, you manage to find a few gems you forgot you wanted to read on there.

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    1. Yeah! I really do have to do an intense cleaning on that shelf, and hopefully, I’ll narrow it down to books that I actually want to read. I just think that there are sooo many books that I impulsively add to the shelf that when I go to try to make sense of it I just get really confused 😂


  10. Omigosh, I have such a problem with this too. I have a habit of seeing a bunch of blogger recommendations or books I was just adding a bunch in the beginning of blogging – or I’m not even quite sure why??? There are just so many books that I for sure need to do a deep clean on. Wonderful post, and it felt so real to me, haha. 🙂

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    1. Exactly!! There are so many times where I’m like, oh I might have nothing to read, and this blogger mentioned this book once on their blog so I might as well add it to my TBR 😂 I think I just have to practice a little bit of self-control, and hopefully, my shelf will look neater.

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  11. Love this! Rule has been on my TBR (and my actual physical bookshelf) for ages, but I have put it off for the exact same reason you have! I am getting REALLY close to having my “read” shelf have more books than my TBR and this is basically a life goal because my TBR is also a huge, huge mess hah.

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    1. Great Expectations is one of my favorite classics!! I read it agesss ago though, and I also find for myself that when I get stuck reading one genre I stay there for a while. Which is probably why I haven’t read any classics for a super long time 😂 I hope you’re able to tame your GR shelves a bit!

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    1. I literally cannot wrap my head around that 😂😂 I’m floundering with just 76 books, I can’t imagine having to scroll through *980 books*!! The truth is, that the majority of the books I plan on reading, I don’t add to my Goodreads. Which kind of defeats the purpose of using it? But I definitely am glad that I don’t have the stress of hundreds of books to sort through 😂


  12. I don’t have a TBR shelf on Goodreads yet. Before I joined it I just wrote down the names of books that I was interested in on paper and it turned into some majorly scary, massive list that I literally can’t stand the thought of trying to sort through. I know the ones that I’m most desperate to read so I’m trying to read them first then, sort it out once I’ve caught up a little. I’m pretty sure there will be a few ‘why the hell did I add that’ books on there though 😂 I think I will make a shelf for 2020 releases sometime though (again I have a list atm, this time on Word). Interesting post (:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh, that sounds so stressful! I also used to write down book recommendations into a note app on my phone, but it always overwhelmed me so I never used to check it 😂 That’s so smart! Having lists categorized by release date would make things so much neater and simpler. Especially when I go on my Goodreads TBR in a bookstore and half the books on it aren’t even released yet.


  13. It really is. I go through it sometime and just… it makes me want to scream. Hence my decision to avoid it until I start catching up :L Oh really? I can imagine that. I do that when I’m out, then add them to the never ending list :L
    I find that adding the one that I’m most excited about onto the calendar on my phone is really helpful when it comes to keeping track of release dates. I have the paper copy but I check my phone so much more. All I have to do then if I’m in a shop is open my calendar and see what’s came out recently. Although it is, embarrassingly, colour coded so I can tell what’s a sequel, what’s a truly need to have release, and what I want to read but aren’t quite so desperate for :L

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